
  • First Telegraph

    First Telegraph
    The first telegraph was developed by Samuel Morse and revolutionised the way people communicated. The message was sent from Washington, DC to Baltimore, Maryland. By 1866 a telegraph line had been placed from USA to Europe to send international messages.
  • Pony Express

    Pony Express
    The Pony Express was a mailing service that delivered newspapers and messages. In the short time of operation the company reduced the time of delivery for mail from the Atlantic to Pacific to 10 days. The Pony Express operated from the 3rd of April 1860 to October 1861. In 1860 the company had 157 stations open around 17km apart along the trail.
  • First Telephone Model

    First Telephone Model
    The first telephone was developed by Alexander Graham Bell. in his demonstration he made the first two-way phone call between Cambridge and Boston.
  • First Radio Audio Broadcast

    First Radio Audio Broadcast
    On the 24th of December the first radio broadcast for music and entertainment was aired from Massachusetts to the general public. The broadcast was developed by Reginald Audrey Fessenden. This revolutionary milestone in communications changed the way we hear news today.
  • First Television System

    First Television System
    The first television was developed by John Logie Baird and it transmitted live moving images in tone graduations to 40 members of the Royal Institution.
  • First Live Television Broadcast

    First Live Television Broadcast
    The first successful television broadcast was made by Dr. Ernst Frederik Werner Alexanderson. The broadcast was made to the screens of four General Electric Executives in NYC.
  • First Colour Televsion

    First Colour Televsion
    John Logie Baird successfully created the first colour television by using a disc with spirals of reds, blues and greens which were transmitted to the receiving end.
  • First Television Advertisment

    First Television Advertisment
    The first television advertisement was aired before a baseball game in NYC between the Brooklyn Dodgers and Philadelphia Phillies. The 10 second ad was for Bulova watches and revolutionised advertising.
  • First Email

    First Email
    Ray Thomlinson sent the first email and was a computer engineer at ARPAnet.
  • World Wide Web Goes Public

    World Wide Web Goes Public
    Berners-Lee publicised the World Wide Web to a newsgroup and marked the day that the 'web' was a public service for anyone.
  • First Text Message

    First Text Message
    Brit Neil Papworth sent the first ever text message saying 'Merry Christmas' to the director of Vodafone at a staff party.
  • Creation of Wikipedia

    Creation of Wikipedia
    Ward Cunningham launched the the first Wikipedia in 1995, however the most popular wiki wasn't created until 2001.
  • Facebook Launched

    Facebook Launched
    Mark Zuckerberg initially created Facebook in a drunken act to hack the Harvard network, however Facebook in 2017 is one of the most frequently used social networks in the world.
  • Google Goes Public

    Google Goes Public
    Google was originally created as a private company in 1998 but 6 years later became a public service.
  • Creation of YouTube

    Creation of YouTube
    YouTube was created by three PayPal employees who had troubles uploading and sharing videos. Now YouTube is one of the largest sharing platforms in the world.
  • iPhone Created

    iPhone Created
    Since 2007 the iPhone has been one of the best selling phones. They have created many different models and are continuing to
    launch new designs.