Communication in History

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    Verbal Communication

    Verbal Communication
    Verbal communication is face to face . The sharing of information between individuals by using speech .
  • Feb 3, 1450

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    The inventors method of the printing from movable type, include the use of medal mods and alloys . It was allowed for the first press of printed books. Gutenburg was the first to use the printing press to print the bible .
  • Alphabet

    The original alphabet was created by people living in or near eygpt. They used there own symbols then it was spreaed to the east and north . The english alpahbet came to us from the begining of of the Greek alphabet aplha and beta.
  • Telegraph

    The telegraph is a revolution of long distance communication. It worked by sending electrical over a wire stationed between stations . It was invented by Joseph Henery .
  • Telephone

    ALexander Grahman Bell created a device that could transmit speech electrically. His first words on the telephone was with his assistant "Mr.Watson. come here , i want to see you ". One hundred years later now there over 360 million telephone numbers.
  • Symbols

    With ocher and manganese our ancestors marked obejects and possiably colors for symbols and to identify. Symbols are the meaning of something .
  • Type Writer

    Type Writer
    When a english man Henery Mill filed vaguely for an "artifical machine or transcribing of letters progressively one after another ". But the first typewriter proven to have work was by by the Italian Pellegrino Turrifor. He built it for his blind friend in 1808 .