College History I

By brucec
  • Aug 28, 1492

    Discovering the new world

    Discovering the new world
    In an attempt to get to asia Columbus sailed west and found himself in the new world.
  • Jun 7, 1494

    Treaty of Tordesillas

    Treaty of Tordesillas
    Divided newly discovered lands oustside Europe along meridian 370. Land east of this belonged to Portugal and land west of this belonged to Spain.
  • Aug 30, 1498

    Da Gama reaches India

    Da Gama reaches India
    Traveled south along the west coast of Africa and arrived in India. Returned home with jewels and spices.
  • Aug 30, 1513

    Balboa claims any land touched by the Pacific for Spain

    Balboa claims any land touched by the Pacific for Spain
    Balboa credited as the discoverer of the Pacific ocean claimed any land touched by belonged to his king.
  • Aug 30, 1519

    Cortes conquers Mexico for Spain

    Cortes conquers Mexico for Spain
    Cortes went to mexico in search of riches and found the Aztecs. While welcomed at first theiir lust for money power created hostility and resulted in the siege of Tenochtitlan.
  • Aug 30, 1521

    Ponce de Leon explores Florida

    Ponce de Leon explores Florida
    Went to Florida in search of gold or the "fountain of youth".
  • Aug 30, 1522

    Magellan's ship circumnavigates the world

    Magellan's ship circumnavigates the world
    His ship was the first to circumnavigate the world. He is credited with this accomplishment even though he died before it was complete.
  • Aug 30, 1524

    Verrano explores east coast of North America for France

    Verrano explores east coast of North America for France
    Hired by the French king to probe the new world.
  • Aug 30, 1532

    Pizzaro chrushes Incas

    Pizzaro chrushes Incas
    Pizzaro destroyed the Incans for spain to gain riches.
  • Aug 30, 1534

    Cartier Journeys up St Louis River

    Cartier Journeys up St Louis River
    Frenchman Jacques Cartier journeyed the St Louis River in order to create a map.
  • Aug 30, 1539

    De Soto discovers the Mississippi River

    De Soto discovers the Mississippi River
    While on an expidition to find gold Hernando de Soto discovered and crossed the Mississippi River
  • Aug 30, 1540

    Coronado explores prest day Southwest

    Coronado explores prest day Southwest
    Coronado's expidition to upper Rio Grande Colorado beckoned conquistadores nortward.
  • Aug 30, 1542

    Cabrillo explores coast of California for Spain

    Cabrillo explores coast of California for Spain
    Cabrillo was employed my the Spanish to explore california but ended up finding little of interest.
  • Aug 30, 1565

    Spanish fortress at St Augistine

    Spanish fortress at St Augistine
    It was constructed in order to block the French desires and protect sea-lanes to the Caribbea.
  • Aug 30, 1580

    Iroquios Confederacy founded

    Iroquios Confederacy founded
    According to Iroquois legend the Iroquios Confederacy was founded in the late 1500s.
  • Spanish conquer Pueblo people of Rio Grande valley

    Spanish conquer Pueblo people of Rio Grande valley
    Led by Don Juan de Onate the spanish attacked the Pueblo people and abused any they encoutered.
  • James I becomes King of England

    James I becomes King of England
  • Spanish found New Mexico

    Spanish found New Mexico
    After conquering the Pueblo people the proclained the area to be New Mexico.
  • Second Anglo-Powahatan War

    Second Anglo-Powahatan War
    The second of three wars fought between Powahatan indians and English settlers of the Virginia colony.
  • Pope's Rebellion in New Mexico

    Pope's Rebellion in New Mexico
    An Native American rebellion caused by the Christian Church attempting to suppress Native American religious customs.
  • Slave trade

    First continental congress calls for abolition of slave trade.
  • Failed invasion of Canada

  • Womens rights

    New Jersey constitution temporarily gave women the right to vote.
  • United states declares war on Great Britain

    United states declares war on Great Britain
    The war was caused by the increased tension caused by the trade restrictions impoosed by the way between Britain and France.
  • British Burn Washinton

    British Burn Washinton
    After defeating the Americans at Brandenburg General Robert Ross occupied and set fire to Washinton.
  • Hartford Convention

    Hartford Convention
    The convention was used to discuss the war of 1812 and problems with the in increase in the federal governments power,
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    Men led by General Andrew Jackson defended against the invading british force
  • Protectionist Tariff if 1816

    This tariff was put in place to protect US goods against foreign competition.
  • Treaty of 1818

    Treaty of 1818
    Resolved boundary issues between US and Britain
  • Panic of 1819

    Panic of 1819
    First financial crisis during peac time.
  • Land ACt of 1820

    Land ACt of 1820
    Ended the ability to purchase public domain land on a credit or installment system over 4 years.
  • Adams proposes the Monroe Doctrine

    Adams proposes the Monroe Doctrine
    United States would not tolerate more colonization by foreign countires
  • Erie Canal Completed

    Erie Canal Completed
    Built to travel by water from New York to the Hudson
  • House elects John Quincy Adams

    House elects John Quincy Adams
    Adams bribed Henry Clay with a political position if he voted for him.
  • Black Hawk War

    Black Hawk War
    War between America and the Black Hawk indians
  • Compromise Tariff

    Compromise Tariff
    Reduced rates imposed by the tariff of abominations.
  • Cherokee Indians removed on the trail of tears

    Cherokee Indians removed on the trail of tears
    Indians forced to move west during the harsh winter conditions.
  • Harrison defeats Van Buren for presidency

    Harrison defeats Van Buren for presidency
    Harrison wins the presidential election against Van Buren running for his second term
  • Grant defeats Seymour for presidency

    Grant defeats Seymour for presidency
    Grant wins 1868 presidential election.
  • Tweed Scandal in New York

    Tweed Scandal in New York
    Tweed ran a political machine in New York that controlled much of the elections.
  • Grant defeats Greeley for presidency

    Grant wins 1872 presidential election
  • Panic of 1873

    Panic of 1873
    Financial crisis tat caused depression in the United States and Europe.
  • Whiskey Ring

    Whiskey Ring
    Goverment officials took money from taxes for whiskey
  • Civil Rights Act if 1875

    Civil Rights Act if 1875
    Guaranteed equal treatment for African Americans in public
  • Reconstruction ends

    Reconstruction ends
    Ended by a political compromise
  • Garfield Assassinated

    Garfield Assassinated
    Shot by Charles J. Guiteau at Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Station.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    Signed May 6th 1882 this Act banned chinese immigration into America.
  • Cleveland defeats Blaine presidency

    Cleveland defeats Blaine presidency
    Cleveland wins 1884 presidential election
  • Harrison defeats Clevend for presidency

    Harrison defeats Clevend for presidency
    Harrison wins 1888 presidential election.
  • Mckinley Tariff Act

    Raised the tax on imports to almost fifty percent.
  • Cleveland defeats Harrison and Weaver

    Cleveland defeats Harrison and Weaver
    Cleveland wins 1892 presidential election
  • Homestead steel strike

    Homestead steel strike
    Strike that built up to a battle between strikers and private security
  • Depression of 1893 begins

    Caused by shaky investment in railroads
  • Aguinaldo launches rebellion against UNited States in Phillipines

    Aguinaldo launches rebellion against UNited States in Phillipines
  • First American Open Door note

    First American Open Door note
    America proposes open trade in China
  • Boxer Rebellion

    Boxer Rebellion
    Chinese society led an urprising against US in China
  • Mckinley defeats Bryan for presidency

    Mckinley defeats Bryan for presidency
    Mckinley wins 1900 election
  • Mckinley assassinated

    Mckinley assassinated
    Shot at worlds fair in Buffalo
  • Hay-Pauncefote Treaty

    Hay-Pauncefote Treaty
    Gave the US the go ahead from the British to create the Panama Canal
  • Panamanian revolution against Colombia

    Panamanian revolution against Colombia
    Panama revolts against colombia with the asistance of the US
  • Hay-Bunau-Varilla treaty

    Hay-Bunau-Varilla treaty
    Established the Panama canal and began construction
  • Construcion of the Panama Canal

    Construcion of the Panama Canal
    US begins construction on the Panama Canal
  • Roosevelt Corollary

    Roosevelt Corollary
    Stops foreign countries from intervening in the western hemispher
  • Roosevelt mediates Russo-Japanese peace treaty

    Roosevelt mediates Russo-Japanese peace treaty
    Roosevelt proposes a treaty between the Russians and Japanese to stop the fighting in northern China
  • Great White Fleet

    Great White Fleet
    US tour around the world with the new navy
  • Gentleman's Agreement

    Gentleman's Agreement
    Stopped the segregation of oriental people in california and limited japanese immigration into America
  • Root-Takahira agreement

    Root-Takahira agreement
    An agreement between the US and Japan that says the US will respect the many islands under japanese control