Cold War

  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    It was a statement Harry Trueman made. It gave support to Turkey and Greece. Both economic support and military in the soviet union area.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    Also known as the European recovery program. It was after World War 2 where the U.S. gave aid to Europe. Mainly economically.
  • Russian launch of Sputnick

    Russian launch of Sputnick
    Sattelite that orbited the Earth. It was the first one for Russia. It made the Russian space program look much more advanced than Americans assumed they were at previously.
  • Creation of Nato

    Creation of Nato
    North Athlantic Treaty Organization was created aka NATO. Its a comitte that works in mutual defense with each other. This is good in case of another world war or massive attack by a country or another alliance.
  • China Becoming Communist

    China Becoming Communist
    Mao claimed in October that the Communist Party was in control of the country of China. For the past 20 years there was a war between the democratic and communists of China. It encouraged peasents to take over the land of others who didn't follow the communist community.
  • The Korean War

    The Korean War
    Communist North Korea attacked the south part tha was democratic. The next month the United States entered the war as they looked at it as a fight against communism in general.
  • US hydrogen bomb creation

    US hydrogen bomb creation
    US created the hydrogen bomb after many days of testing and finding the right combination to make it work efficiently. It was important because it put us ahead of the soviet union for the time being.
  • Rosenberg Spy Case

    Rosenberg Spy Case
    Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed because of conspiracy of committing espionage against the US. Later 10 other poeple were convicted but they pleaded guilty and spilled the evidence they had out. This was important because now we realized Russia had nuclear capabilities possibly.
  • Creation of Warsaw Pact

    Creation of Warsaw Pact
    Treaty of defense against communist nations in the continents of Europe and Asia. There were 8 nations involved. It stated mutual defense between them.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    The north and south of Vietnam fought. The north was backed by communist countries while the south was back by anti-communist nations such as the United States.
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    The Cuban army founded by the leader Fidel Castro went to destroy the american army in part of Cuba. It was a success for Cuba and the small American backed army surrendered because that had a very small number of troops.
  • Fall of Berlin Wall

    Fall of Berlin Wall
    berlin wallBerlin Wall was taken down so to speak for Geramny to start over. It offered a new strart for many people and the government of Germany.
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    Cuban Missle Crisis
    Soviet Union planted missiles that were nuclear in Cuba. Eventually they were taken down 14 days later. The U.S. had to take down some in the middle east in return though.
    cuban crisis wiki
  • The Six Day War

    The Six Day War
    The six day war was Israel against Egypt. Eventually Israel took the land they thought they deserved and owned. This was an important war due to effects it had on other countries.
  • US sends man to the moon

    US sends man to the moon
    The US was the first to send people to the moon. Neil Armstrong was the first person to step foot on the moon. This was a big achievment for the US as they were in a heated race against the USSR/Russia to do this.
  • Nixon visit to China

    Nixon visit to China
    When Nixon visited China to make things better between the US and China. This gave them a better relationship between the two.
  • Olympic Hockey Game 1980

    Olympic Hockey Game 1980
    USA's team one. The Soviet Union came in 2nd with a silver medal. This was important because it was a major time in the cold war and it showed the US supremecy over the Soviet Union to the world many looked up it as.
  • US takes over Grenada

    US takes over Grenada
    It was also known as Operation Urgent Fury. It was a very important event because it brought back a constitutional government in the Caribbean. Also, the Cubans were very against this since they were communist and thats what Grenada had been.
  • Collapse of the Soviet Union

    Collapse of the Soviet Union
    The Soviet Union broke apart into different sections of 12. They didn't get along so there power dissolved and went awasy. The country stayed as formally known Russia.