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Cold War

  • The Yalta Conference

    The Yalta Conference
  • House Un-American Activities Committee begins 'red hunts'

    House Un-American Activities Committee begins 'red hunts'
    Hollywood blacklist investigations begin (led by Congressman Richard M. Nixon)
  • Berlin Blockade

    Berlin Blockade
    Last until 12 May 1949
  • NATO ratified

    NATO ratified
  • The People's Republic of China is established

    The People's Republic of China is established
  • Communist witch hunts begin under the leadership of Senator Joe McCarthy

    Communist witch hunts begin under the leadership of Senator Joe McCarthy
  • Korean War begins

    Korean War begins
  • Mutual Security Act passes into law

    Mutual Security Act passes into law
    Links Western democracies together militarily and economically against the Communist countries
  • CIA overthrows a democratically elected government for the first time

    CIA overthrows a democratically elected government for the first time
    Cout d'état against Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh
  • The Warsaw Pact

    The Warsaw Pact
    United Bulgaria, Hungary, East Germany, Poland, Romania, the Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia.
  • U.S. Involvement in Vietnam officially begins

    U.S. Involvement in Vietnam officially begins
  • Fidel Casto's party gains control of Cuba

    Fidel Casto's party gains control of Cuba