Coca cola wallpaper 4

coca cola timeline

  • soda fountain magic

    soda fountain magic
    coca cola made its debut in atlanta at the jacobs' pharmacy soda fountain, where it sold for 5 cents a glass.
  • coca cola hires first celebrity spokesperson

    coca cola hires first celebrity spokesperson
    music hall preformer hilda clark apprears in advertisments
  • the contour bottle

    the contour bottle
    the combat copycats, coca cola develops a unique bottle
  • santa claus

    santa claus
    the coca cola santa claus , created by hoddon sunblom first appears in advertising
  • coke

    Coke used in magazine ads for first time to establish it as a trademark.
  • Coca Cola

    Coca Cola
    New Coca Coke fountain created; new sleep look.
  • Coca Cola

    Coca Cola
    Coca Cola appears on the cover of TIME magazine.
  • Coca Cola

    Coca Cola
    King size and family size cokes were introcuced.
  • sprite

    sprite is introduced
  • Diet Coke

    Diet Coke
    Diet Coke is introduced
  • Coke Polar Bear

    Coke Polar Bear
    Coke Colca Polar Bear first stars in advertisment
  • Birthday

    Coke Cola turns 120 years old