
  • Discoveries

    John Tyndall expirmnted and found that molecules of gases such as water vapour and carbon dioxide trap heat. Jean-Baptiste Joseph Fourier said that their was something in the atmosphere that was keeping the world warmer than it would otherwise be, a hint at the greenhouse effect.Louis Agassiz found evidence of past changes in Alpine glaciers. And that pointed to the ancient Ice Ages and showed that the climate has not always been stable.
  • Period: to

    Global Warming

    During this time period Global warming has been a big part in the world and many debates and questions have aroused from it. The Green House Gases have gone up a lot and sense the Green house gases trap heat, The earth has been getting a lot hotter. Also the average temperatures have climbed 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit sense 1880.
  • United states discoveries

    Charles Keeling had a lab and experimented with stuff to measure carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere at the South Pole and at Mauna Loa, Hawaii. The measurements have shown a steady rise. Lyndon Johnson told Congress: "This generation has altered the composition of the atmosphere on a global scale through ... a steady increase in carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels."
  • Global Warming Cauaed by people

    The IPCC concludes for the first time that humans are causing global warming and they said,"The balance of evidence suggests a discernible human influence on global climate." The IPCC confirmed 5 years later that it is "likely," or at least 66 percent probable, that human activities are the main cause of recent global warming.
  • 1988

    The IPCC is set up by the WMO and by the UNEP. The IPCC will provide reports based on scientific evidence which reflect existing viewpoints within the scientific community. Parts of the Mississippi river are reduced to a trickle. In June, James Hansen delivered his famous testimony to the U.S. Senate. Based on computer models and temperature measurements he is 99% sure that the greenhouse effect has been detected and it is already changing the climate.
  • Global Warming

    Global warming has been going on sense 1880. Some people don't believe that it is happening right now, but scientist have come up with evidence and proven that it is happening. Most people don't think that global warming is human caused either, but scientist have also discovered that global warming is caused by humans.
  • Today

    Today eight out of ten people think that global warming is caused by humans. People are resisting believing global warming because they are afraid of what that means: they would have to make changed in their lives. Scientist have come up with a lot of evidence that it is happening right now though. Some scientist disagree, they say that only 37% of global warming is human caused. They think that the other 67% is that there earth is chagning and the climate is being effected by it.
  • Ice age

    During the last 2.6 million years in the ice ages were times of extreme cooling of the Earth's climate where ice sheets and other types of glacier expanded to cover large areas of land. Between ice ages there were warmer time periods and we are now living during such a time.There have been many ice ages during the last 2.6 million years but when people talk about the Ice Age, they are often referring to the most recent one, which peaked about 21,000 years ago and ended about 11,500 years ago.