Civil War

  • Siege of Fort Sumter

    The Siege of Fort Sumter happened because the south wanted to leave the Union and declared war on the north. The Siege of Fort Sumter was the first battle of the war. It was in Charleston. Confederates won the siege on Fort Sumter. After this led to many other wars in the civil war.
  • Battle of Bull Run

    The cause of the Battle of Bull Run was that Union soldiers marched to Bull Run. Union soldiers marched to Bull Run. Later, Union soldiers drove the confederates back to Henry Hill where they set up defenses. Confederates made the Union soldiers retreat and were killed while retreating. The effect was that it showed how this wasn't going to be an easy war and it was going to be long and bloody.
  • Battle of Antietam

    The cause of the Battle of Antietam was that the south wanted to invade the north to finish the war faster because they were running out of resources. Union had twice as many soldiers as the confederacy. They battled on a cornfield. In eight hours 15,000 soldiers were lost. In the end there were 23,000 casualties. The effect was that the North had defended the south from getting into the North but lost a lot of troops doing it.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    The cause of the emancipation proclamation was that the British were thinking about helping the south win the war. Making the Emancipation Proclamation would make the British not fight for the south because they would be fighting for slavery, which they had abolished many years before. It stated that all slaves in rebellious states be declared free. But it did not free the neutral states because Lincoln wanted them on his side. The effect was that Britain did not aid the south.
  • Battle of Gettysberg

    The cause of the Battle of Gettysburg was that the confederates had to finish the war because they were running low on resources. The confederates wanted to attack towns. The South forced the North to Little Round Top. The North set up trenches there. While the Confederacy was attacking the North, the North decided to cut off their artillery. Soon enough, the confederates charged and were killed and forced to retreat. This was a huge win for the North and led to the slow decline of the south. :D
  • General Sherman's March to the Sea

    Ulysses S. Grant waged total warfare on the South to finish the Civil War meaning they could attack civillians and towns. Shermans march was meant to scare the south into surrendering. Sherman lead 60,000 troops from Atlanta to Savannah taking livestock, food, burning houses and barns. The effect of this was that the north took control of Atlanta.