Civil War and beyond

  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    Henry Clay introduces a series of resolutions on January 29th 1850.. The Fugitive slave act was amended and the slave trade in Washington DC was abolished. California entered the union as free state and the boarder dispute between Texas and New Mexico was resolved.
  • Kansas Nebraska act

    Kansas Nebraska act
    The Kansas Nebraska act was passed by the U.S congress on May 30th 1854. It allowed the people in the territories of Kansas and Nebraska to decide whether or not to allow slavery within their boarders.
  • Dred Scott decision

    Dred Scott decision
    Chief Justice Rodger Taney's response "slaves were private property and thus no rights need to be made".
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    The democratic party splits over issues involving slavery. Republicans nominate Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln wins without winning any elected votes from the south.
  • South outraged

    South outraged
    The South is extremly outraged from the results of the election. South Carolina decides to leave the union.
  • U.S divided

    U.S divided
    Six other southern states leave the union, forming the Confederate states of America. The South elects Jefferson Davis from Mississippi to be the president.
  • The Civil War begins

    The Civil War begins
    Jefferson Davis sends orders to take Fort Sumter. The confederates take the first victory.
  • The Anaconda plan

    The Anaconda plan
    Battle of Shiloh. Grant and Buell defeat the Confederates. Naval blockade captures New Orleans.
  • South attacks

    South attacks
    The south attacks on Northern soil at Antietam Maryland. 12,000 are killed in first three hours. Battle is a draw.
  • The Emancipation proclamation

    The Emancipation proclamation
    Frees all enslaved people in rebellious states. This kept foreign help away from the Confederate States of America.
  • Battle of Chancellorsville

    Battle of Chancellorsville
    Joe Hooker vs. Lee. Lees greatest victory. Jackson was shot in the left arm and died days later. This is considered one of Lee's greatest losses.
  • The battle of Gettysburg

    The battle of Gettysburg
    The battle of Gettysburg is known as the turning point of the civil war. Nearly 50,000 are killed. Union victory.
  • Shermans March to sea

    Shermans March to sea
    Sherman burns everything from Atlanta to Savannah Georgia.This was the first time civilian populations were targets.
  • Reconstruction plans

    Reconstruction plans
    (After Lincolns death) Black codes are set in place limiting 4 million former slaves. The kkk is established. The kkk is made up of mainly ex CSA members.
  • End of war

    End of war
    Lee surrenders to Grant at Appomattox courthouse.
  • Lincolns death

    Lincolns death
    Abraham Lincoln was out enjoying a film with his wife, celebrating the end of the war when he is shot by John Wilkes Booth.
  • Congress steps in

    Congress steps in
    14th amendment is added. "All persons born in the United States were citizens" This also prevents former CSA members from holding political office.