civil war

  • 1st battle of bull run/manassas junction

    The first battle of bull run, also known as first manassas the name used by the confederate, in prince william county, near the city of mannassas. It was the first major battle of the american civil war.
  • Battle of 2nd Bull Run

    THis battle was a much larger scale than the first battle of Bull Run. It was faught on the same location as the first. THis battle was a confederate victory.
  • Battle of Fredericksburg

    This is a battle between Lee's Conferercy and Union's commanded bt Burnside. It was remembered as one of the most one-sided battles of civil war. The union's casualities were twice as heavy as confederates.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    This was a order by President Lincoln. It proclaimed freedom of slaves. It in turn did not pay their owners for doing so. Nor did it make them citizens.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    The Battle of Gettysburgwas faught in and around Gettysburg PA. IT had the largest number of casualties in the Civil War. It is described as the turning point of the war.
  • Surreneder of Vicksburg

    This battle was considered turning point along with Gettysburg. Grant drove Union Army for the final major military action of war. IT also cut off communication for the Confederate forces for the remainder of the war.
  • Gettysburg Address

    THe Gettysburg Address was a speech given by PRsident Lincoln. It is one of the most well known speeches in U.S. history. It was given as the dedication of Soldiers Cementary in Gettysburg Pennsylvania.
  • Shermans March To The Sea

    Shermans March To The Sea was the name commonly given to the Savannah Campaign which took place around Georgia for about a month long in the civil war. It was lead by Major General Sherman of the Union Army. It began with the capture of Atlanta and ended with capture of Savannah on Dec. 21 1864
  • Lee Surrenders to Grant

    This took place at teh house of Wilmer Mclean in Appomattox Courthouse. THe meeting lasted about two and a half hours. It put a end to one of the bloodiest conflicts of our nations history.
  • Assassination of Lincolc

    THe assassination took place on Good Friday. Lincoln was the first president to be assassinationed. It was carried out by John Wilkes Booth.