Civil War

  • The South Secedes

    The South Secedes
    When Abraham Lincoln was elected president, he disagreed with slavery. Some people seen him as a threat because he tried to stop slavery. Abraham tried to stop slavery but most of the people had farms and land so they needed slaves to do all the work. This event was important because some people agreed with him but the other people that disagreed, tried to stop it. Not everyone wanted him as president because he might try to change laws about slavery.
  • The South Creates a Government

     The South Creates a Government
    The South created the Confederate Constitution, it was a document like the United States Constitution. They had grater stress with the autonomy for each state. Jefferson Davis was named provisional presiden of the Confederacy but elections weren't held yet so it was wasn't very long until he wasn't president anymore.
  • The Attack on Fort Sumter

    In April, President Lincoln decided to send supplies to Fort Sumter but, he tried to avoid hostilities. But, South Carolina thought that it was a trick. The commander of the fort was asked to surrender. His offer was refected on April 12, 1861. That was when the Civil War began with shots on the fort.
  • States Rights

    States Rights was when all the states wanted their own rights to follow. Each state would make a law and follow that law instead of all the states having the same laws, they can make their own. The States didn't want to have the same laws because they were all differnt people.
  • The Battle of Shiloh

    In April, Confederate forces decided to attack Union forces under General Ulysses. The attack took place in Shiloh, Tennessee. At the end of that day, the federal troops were almost defeated. During that night, the reinforcements arrived, and the next morning the Union commanded the field. The Confederate forced reatreated, but not all went to follow. Some of their troops stayed and they had died, they were killed.
  • Pope's Capaign

    One of the Unions Gernerals John Pope suffered defeate at the second battle of bull run. Fitz-John Porter was held responsible for the defeat because he didnt sent send his troops to battle quick enough. But after he had to held votes for a new pope.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Lncoln resisted the demands of the radical republicans for the complete of abolition. But, some of the Union generals declared that the slaves escaping to their lines are not to be returned to their owners. The generals said that if they escaped, then they escaped and if they are found then they can't go back to the owners, or masters. On January 1st, they declared that all slaves in the area still in rebellion were, free.
  • Slaves

    The Slaves wanted to be free. They said that they deserved much more than work and being treated badly. They had protest and some white men were with them but most of them disagreed. They thought they would be treated like all the other men. They thought all men were treated equally, like in the constitution.
  • The Fall of the Cofederacy

    The Soth had some problems with transportation but they solved that. They also had severe shortages of food and supplies in the South. The soldiers began to starve and they had no energy. This is one of the weaknesses of the South.
  • The Assassination of President Lincoln

    When President Lincoln was watching a performance, he was shot by John Wikes. John was a actor from Maryland who was obsessed with the revenge of Confederate defeat. John had escaped to Virginia. But eleven day later John was shot by a union soldier.