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Civil Rights Timeline

By 096620
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    Brown v. Board of Education

    The Brown v. Board of Education was an important supreme court case. The U.S supreme court ruled that segregation in public schools was unconstitutional. The case overturned the Plessy v. Ferguson case and " Separate but equal." The U.S supreme court ordered all public schools to integrate. https://fthmb.tqn.com/XRtolDf61MKna89nwL6rp_8A0ik=/768x0/filters:no_upscale()/US_Marshals_with_Young_Ruby_Bridges_on_School_Steps-5895c5073df78caebcae226a.jpg
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    An African American named Rosa Parks, refused to give up her seat on the bus to whites. She was arrested for not giving up her seat. Martin Luther King Jr. and the NAACP organized the boycotts of all the buses in montgomery. The Supreme court ruled that segregation on public transportation was unconstitutional.
  • 1956 State Flag Controversy

    1956 State Flag Controversy
    In 1955, the Georgia general assembly voted to change the state flag. In 1956, it became an issue during the civil rights movement. Some Georgians thought the confederate battle flag was not a proper symbol for a state flag. This became a dividing issue in the state.
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    Sibley Commission

    In 1960 Georgia's governor Ernest Vandiver Jr. formed a committee to investigate the public's opinion on integration. John Sibley was elected to lead the committee. The Sibley Commission had the choice of closing all public schools, or to desegregate them. They held 10 hearings throughout Georgia to get voter's input. After a vote, 60% of Georgians claimed they would rather close all schools than integrate. The Sibley Commission let school boards decide for themselves to integrate or not.
  • Albany Movement

    Albany Movement
    Martin Luther King Jr. led a movement to desegregate Albany, Georgia. He led hundreds of protesters into Albany to resist segregation. Nearly 500 people were arrested including Martin Luther King Jr. The Albany movement was considered a failure, Because it did not result in an immediate change.
  • March On Washington

    March On Washington
    The March on Washington was a march led by Martin Luther King Jr. They marched from the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Memorial. 200,000 people from all races were involved in the march. The march was for jobs and freedom. The march was a success because it pressured congress to pass the civil rights bill. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his famous "I have a dream speech."
  • Bombing of 16th Street Baptist Church Church in Birmingham

    Bombing of 16th Street Baptist Church Church in Birmingham
    The bombing was an act of white supremacy terrorism on an all black church. Four members from the KKK planted 15 sticks of dynamite beneath the church. Four kids died during the bombing. They targeted the church because it was an all black church and they were members of the KKK.
  • March on Selma

    March on Selma
    The Selma to Montgomery marches was a series of three marches to demand the right to vote in Alabama. Violence broke out in the first two marches which led to national guard protection during the marches. The marches sped up the voting rights act of 1965.