chronology of WWII

  • russia revolution of 1917

    russia revolution of 1917
    lenin is their leader, its is before the war, etc...
  • 1920s

    mussoilini comes into power (facist)
  • 1930s

    Japan invades china for resources (militarism)
  • 1935s

    Franco Francisco (spain) (facist) Germany and italy helped spain
  • 1935

    mussolini invades africa
  • 1936

    direct violation of the treaty of versailles. hitler put troops on the border of germany and italy
  • 1938

    he invades szechoslovakia. he also takes over france
  • 1938 the night of broken glass

    1938 the night of broken glass
    broke all the jewish store glass. (new pm winston chruchill
  • 1938ish

    germany invades austria
  • 1939

    hitler talks to stalin about expanding with no agression
  • may 1940

    may 1940
    German Blitzkreig in the Netherlands and France
  • june 1940

    june 1940
    British evacuate Dundirk after German advance in France cuts off allies
  • june 1940

    june 1940
    Germans reach paris and French surrender
  • august-september 1940

    august-september 1940
    The battle of Britain, where Nazi attempts to invade Britain are halted
  • september 1940

    september 1940
    Hitler launches the Blitz, the aerial bombing of British cities
  • 1941

    pearl harbor, USA in WWII
  • june 1941

    june 1941
    Germans invade soviet union
  • december 1941

    december 1941
    Japan attacks USA, and US declares war
  • July 1943

    July 1943
    soviet victory halts German advance east
  • july 1944

    july 1944
    worlds largest ever amphibious operation begins the allied reconquest of Europe
  • 1945

    victory in europe day
    victory in japan day
  • april 1945

    april 1945
    Hitler commits suicide as soviets reach Berlin
  • 1945

    hitler killed himself
  • may 1945

    may 1945
    germans unconditionally surrender
  • august 1945

    august 1945
    USA drop atomic bomg on Hiroshima, Japan
  • september 1945

    september 1945
    japan surrenders, World War two ends