Chinese Inventions

  • Period: 200 to Feb 12, 1400


  • 300

    Exploration and travel compass

    Exploration and travel compass
    Chinese compasses were pieces of a magnetic mineral
    called lodestone. Earth itself is like a giant magnet with
    north and south poles. Because lodestone is magnetic, it is
    influenced by Earth’s magnetic poles. If you put a piece of
    lodestone on wood and float it in a bowl of water, the
    lodestone will turn until it points in a north-south direction.
  • Feb 12, 850

    Military tech Gunpowder

    Military tech Gunpowder
    Gunpowder was invented when the chinese were trying to create a potion of imortality and a way to make gold out other materials.
  • Feb 12, 850

    Military tech Rocket technoligy

    Military tech Rocket technoligy
    The chinese used gunpowder to create fireworks, which was later used for war and was known as the rocket.
  • Feb 17, 1000

    Millitary tech flamethrower

    Millitary tech flamethrower
    By the 10th century, the Chinese had made the first weapon that used gunpowder: the flamethrower. Early flamethrowers contained gunpowder mixed with oil. The Chinese used them to spray enemies with a stream of fire.