Its a girl

Kirstlyn's Milestones

  • Kirstlyn is Born!

    Kirstlyn is Born!
    Kirstlyn arrived a healthy baby girl!
  • 3 months old

    3 months old
    Kirstlyn is smiling and laughing at things that she finds amusing. It is suggested that by 6 to 9 weeks babies are likely smiling in response to stimuli. Smiling at another person rather than material stimuli is refered to as a social smile (Pg. 173). This is a typical age for babies to began to show whether they like or dislike different stimuli.
  • 3 months old

    3 months old
    Kirstlyn is 3 months old and is spending a lot more time focusing on my face. Infants vision improves greatly between birth and three months of age (Pg. 132). At this age it is normal for infants to more redily recognize faces.
  • 8 months old

    8 months old
    At 8 months old, Kirstlyn is begining to understand object pemanence. She can find an object after I hide it although if she gets distracted or to much time goes by she is still unsuccessful. Object Permanence is the awareness that objects remain even when out of sight and usually begins to develop between 8 and 12 months old (Pg. 145-6).
  • 8 months old

    8 months old
    Kirtslyn has started experiencing stranger anxiety. Stranger anxiety is the nervousness and aviodance of strangers that infants experience. This is usually most prevalent from 6 to 12 months old. Unfamiliar people can created negative responses at this age as infants attemp to figure out who to trust.and what to expect (Pg. 171-2).
  • Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!
    Kirstlyn's First Birthday!
  • 12 monts old

    12 monts old
    Kirstlyn is walking! The average age for children to begin walking is 12.3 months. The dynamic stystems theory explains how physical and cognitive advances and motivation all play a role in this achievement (Pg. 125).
  • 12 months old

    12 months old
    Kirstlyn said her first clear word! She said "dog", as she pointed to a dog. The assiciation of the word with the animal made it more valid. First words are typically spoken between ten and fourteen months (Pg. 159).
  • 12 months old

    12 months old
    Kirsltyn has mastered the concept of object permanance. Piaget suggests that children in the sixth substage of sensorimotor development have the congitive skills to create a "mental representation" or image of people, objects, and events. Most children are in this substaqge between 18 and 24 months of age. This cognitive advance is likely the cause of her recent mastery (Pg. 146).
  • 15 months

    15 months
    Kirstlyn enjoys doing little "experiments" in attempt to explore the world. She has been enjoying testing how different toys react to being pushed under the water during baths. Kirstlyn is in Piaget's substage five of the sensorimoter stage, tertiary circular reations. In this stage children enjoy varying actions and consequenses Children are typically in this substage between 12 and 18 months old (Pg. 146).
  • 18 months

    18 months
    Kirstlyn is developing more self awarness. She looks in the mirror more frequently and says "me" a lot. Self aware-ness is the knowledge of oneself. This typically begins to develop at about one year of age. This concept is further explored in the theory of mind, the way infants think about and process things, including their self-concept (Pg. 175).