640 really cute baby

child development

  • Birth

    Baby is born! :)
  • 13-15months physical

    13-15months physical
    toddler may stant up erect with only slight support, enjoy carring small objects in each hand and can sit down
  • 13-15months Cognitive

    13-15months Cognitive
    Toddler begin to understand objects permancence and experiment with physical words
    increase language to four to six words and recognized pictures.
  • 16-18months Physical

    16-18months Physical
    Likes to grab anything and everything.Toddler will walk around the house just picking things up and putting them back down.
    Standing, walking, balancing, crouching, and climbing become obsessions to be practiced all day
  • 16-18months Cognitive

    16-18months Cognitive
    Toddlers are better able to remember past experiences and events remembers where objects belong. They add about 3 new words per day and babies start to put words together into basic sentences.
  • 19-21months Physical

    19-21months Physical
    toddler now loves to run, jump, and clim
    toddler can also hold two objects in it's hand easily.
  • 19-21months cognitive

    19-21months cognitive
    show interest in tiny things such as bugs, progress in imaginitive play, remember familiar faces and objects, and begin to learn how to distinguish sounds.
  • 22-24months Physical

    22-24months Physical
    toddler can throw a ball overhand, They do lack the ability to start and stop efficently, but they can seat them self in a chair with ease!
  • 22-24months Cognitive

    22-24months Cognitive
    toddler becomes curious about objects in their enviroment . They are also able to follow simpe instructions .
  • 24-30months Physical

    24-30months Physical
    toddler Improves motor skills enjoys running but is unable to measure sudden stops
  • 24-30months Cognitive

    24-30months Cognitive
    toddler are able to understand cause and effect in terms of own behavior , is capable to plan a play activity and carry it out ,
  • 30-36months Physical

    30-36months Physical
    toddler Can go up stairs by alternating feet but goes down one foot at a time . Child usually walks on tippy toes and enjoy to play
  • 30-36months Cognitive

    30-36months Cognitive
    toddler should begin to classify objects, make-believe play, try new play activities, putting puzzles together, etc