Charles darwin

Charles Darwin (February 12, 1809- April 19, 1882)

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    Beagle Voyage

    When Charles Darwin was 22 years old, he had the opportunity to voyage on the Beagle to circumnavigate the globe. Throughout this voyage he was able to observe the organisms throughout South America. One his famous observations came from when he visited the Galapagos Island. This is where Darwin had supposedly figured out evolution, which is not true.
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    Evolution by natural selection

    After going on his voyage, Darwin was able to settle down in London. He was able to get by as a geologist and was able to be a part of the Geological Society. In this time period he had become well known for publicizing his diary from his voyage. From this he was able to get a grant to employ experts to publish their descriptions Darwin’s specimens.
  • On the Origins of Species

    On the Origins of Species
    Throughout the latter half of the 1850's, Charles Darwin wrote about Natural Selection. Throughout the 1960's, Darwin had been hit with sickness, and even with that he sought out to revise On the Origins of Species. Since his house was also his laboratory, he was able to revise his work six times.
  • The Various Contrivances by which British and Foreign Orchids are Fertilised by Insects

    The Various Contrivances by which British and Foreign Orchids are Fertilised by Insects
    This work by Darwin talked how orchids were not necessarily designed by God, but rather they had evolved by natural selection to attract cross pollinators.
  • The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication

    The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication
    This was another work that was made by Charles Darwin that talked about the variations in domestic breeds. Desmond, Adrian J. “On the Origin of Species.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 15 Apr. 2021,