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Charles Darwin (Feb. 12, 1809 - April 19, 1882)

  • Darwin Sets Sail on the Beagle

    Darwin Sets Sail on the Beagle
    Charles Darwin’s contributions to the Philosophy of Science began in 1831 (2), when he embarked on his grand journey on the HMS Beagle. This voyage was intended to map and chart the region.
    This is a short summary of the Beagles voyage. (1)
  • Darwin's Finches

    Darwin's Finches
    In September of 1935 the Beagle arrived in the Galapagos Islands (2). During this time, Darwin made his most notable discovery, the finches. A species of bird spread throughout the islands with dramatically different coloring and beak formation was the piece that Darwin needed to formulate his breakthrough theory of evolution (2).
  • Darwin's Journal

    Darwin's Journal
    Darwin kept a comprehensive journal of notes throughout his travels. These journals included many raw theories and drawings of concepts that Darwin had throughout his voyage. He also kept journals for his geological and mapping discoveries. The man wrote a lot.
  • On the Origin of Speces

    On the Origin of Speces
    Darwin spent time solidifying his theory and preforming studies to determine how seeds and animal species could travel the distances needed to make his evolutionary theory make sense. His desire to formulate a solid theory, caused delays in the publishing of his “big book”. During the time he spent studying, other scientists began using his journals and papers to formulate similar ideas. This caused Darwin to expedite his publication of On the Origin of Species. The theory of Evolution was born.