Charles darwin photograph julia margaret cameron 1868

Charles Darwin- February 12, 1809 - April 19, 1882

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    The Beginning of Charles Darwin

    Charles Darwin was born February 12, 1809, in Shrewbury England. The son of Robert Waring Darwin and Susannah Nee Wedgwood. In 1817 Darwin attended day school in Shrewsbury run under the --- of George Case, Unitarian Minister. This is also around the time that Darwin's mother passed. In june of 1818 Darwin attends Samuel Butler’s School as a boarder. Darwin attends for the following seven years. Butler was the grandfather of Samuel Buter (1835-1902) the science writer and critic of Darwinism.
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    Voyage on HMS Beagle

    In December of 1831 the HMS Beagle was in route to begin its five-year journey around the world. Charles Darwin was extended an invitation to join the voyage as a naturalist. Along the voyage Darwin made note of his observations regarding animals and plants on land. While observing a group of islands throughout the Pacific Ocean known as the Galapagos Islands Darwin noticed the many similarities of finches between the islands and south America.
  • Voyage on HMS Beagle

    Voyage on HMS Beagle
    He also noticed variety of shape and size of the beaks between the two locations. This led to his observation of the adaption that took place to help the finches acquire food.
  • Publication of "On the Origin of Species"

    Publication of "On the Origin of Species"
    Charles Darwin published “On the Origin of Species” on November 24, 1859. Darwin began to pave out the groundwork for his theory of evolution by natural selection which was introduced in his book “On the Origin of species” shortly after the HMS Beagle voyage ended. Key factors of Darwin’s theory consist of ever species is capable of producing offspring that will survive hopefully long enough to reproduce, leading to growth in population amongst a species.
  • Publication of "The descent of Man and Selection in relation to Sex"

    Publication of "The descent of Man and Selection in relation to Sex"
    Charles Darwin’s Second publication “The Descent of Man and Selection in relation to Sex” took place in March of 1871. This book focused on his theory on human evolution and sexual selection. Its inclusion of human beings in the natural order leads to Darwin being ridiculed as an ape throughout the media.