Charles Darwin

  • birth

    Born 1809 in Shrewsbury England.
  • school.

    charles enrolled in Shrewsbury school.
  • leaves school

    Charles father removes him from Shrewsbury school because of Charles bad grades
  • Idependent learning

    Charles starts studing marine life on his own after leaving school.
  • Becoming involved

    Charles presents a paper he wrote to the Plinian society.
  • school

    Charles enrolls in Christ college.
  • Publishing

    Charles begins writing and publishing his theorys and findings.
  • Marriage

    Charles marrys Emma Wedgewood. Who is his cousin.
  • Evolution

    Charles contines to study, he writes a paper on the evolution of mold, which is not released until 1881
  • "Desent of modifications"

    Charles begings drawing his beliefs on how the human species developed.
  • Natural selection.

    Charles begins writing theory on natural selection.
  • Publishing

    Charles book on natural selection is published.
  • Copley Medal

    Charles was presented the Copley medal, the highest scientific award of the Royal Society of London.
  • Death

    Charles dies