Charles Darwin (1809-1882)

  • Naturalist

    In 1831, Charles Darwin was a naturalist aboard the ship of the British Royal Navy, The HMS Beagle. His purpose was to survey the coast line of South America and chart the harbors to help improve the maps of the region.
    National Geographic Society. “Charles Darwin.” National Geographic Society, 22 Aug. 2019,
  • Explorations

    Charles Darwin spent majority of his time exploring regions in Brazil, Argentina, Chile, and remote islands such as the Galapagos. It is then that he collected samples of plants, rocks, animals and fossils to send back home to England. National Geographic Society. “Charles Darwin.” National Geographic Society, 22 Aug. 2019,
  • The Naturalist to Evolutionist 1836

    After his return onboard, Darwin continued his work on the the samples and notes that led to ground breaking scientific discoveries. He later published his thoughts on evolution and natural selection in 1859. National Geographic Society. “Charles Darwin.” National Geographic Society, 22 Aug. 2019,
  • Back to England

    When Darwin returned to England in 1836 he continued to work on his samples that he sent earlier. Samples and notes from his trip led to ground breaking scientific discoveries. He shared his fossils with paleontologist and geologist, that helped clarify his understanding. This brought on the question of how species evolve over time.
    National Geographic Society. “Charles Darwin.” National Geographic Society, 22 Aug. 2019,
  • "On the Origin of Species"

    "On the Origin of Species"
    Publishing his thoughts on his theory for evolution. And how individual species with inherited traits are likely to survive in their environment and pass on their genes to the next generation. That in a way certain traits become more widespread and have lead to eventually developing a new species National Geographic Society. “Charles Darwin.” National Geographic Society, 22 Aug. 2019,