Darwin divergence

Charles Darwin (1801-1882)

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    Impact to Philosophy of Science

    Charles Darwin and his studies reach far into the realm of social sciences and economics too! Pulling information and concepts from economists and sociologists to formulate his own theory about how and why a species is made, and how a species is developed.
    https://www.gutenberg.org/files/1228/1228-h/1228-h.htm https://www.history.com/topics/early-20th-century-us/social-darwinism https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20160607-why-your-skin-goes-wrinkly-in-the-bath
  • Charles Darwin sets sail on HMS Beagle (12/27/1831)

    Charles Darwin sets sail on HMS Beagle (12/27/1831)
    Towards the end of 1831, Darwin set sail for Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands while aboard the HMS Beagle. He was brought on at 22 years old as a naturalist. While moving through the islands, he encountered a number of finches with slightly different characteristics in relation to the environment.
  • Darwin analyzes data with a ornithologist

    After speaking with an ornithologist, Darwin theorized that the species adapt to their environment through two processes called evolution and natural selection. Evolution in Darwin's words are "descent with modification". This means that if the environment places forces on a species, they will gradually adapt over long periods of time and many generations to sustain life. Natural selection explains the abundance of offspring for each species and the competition of resources.
  • Impact to society and "On the Origin of Species"

    Coming into the end of 1859, Darwin released "On the Origin of Species" that has shaped how we view life moving forward. You can see signs of evolution in humans today when your fingers prune. No real way to prove if that is entirely true but the debate grows and grows with Darwin's theory helping to drive the topic. Darwinism and Uniformitarianism go hand in hand in stating that, the planet and its inhabitants are always moving and changing, something at first that was NOT widely accepted.