Chapters 5-7

  • Edict of Nantes

    Edict of Nantes (repealed in 1685)
  • Champlain

    Champlain colonizes Quebec for France.
  • Louis XIV

    Louis XIV becomes of France.
  • Navigation Laws

    First Navigation lawsto control colonial commerce.
  • La Salle

    La Salle explores Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico.
  • Period: to

    King William's War

    King William's War (War of the League of Ausburg)
  • College of William and Mary

    College of William and Mary founded.
  • Board of Trade

    Board of Trade assumes governance of colonies.
  • Yale

    Yale College founded.
  • Period: to

    Queen Anne's War

    Queen Anne's War (War of Spanish Succession)
  • French

    French found New Orleans
  • Smallpox

    Smallpox ioculation introduced.
  • Poor Richard's Almanac

    First edition of Franklin's Poor Richards's Almanac
  • Great Awakening

    John Edwards begins Great Awakening.
  • Period: to


    Zenger free press trial in New York.
  • George Whitfield

    George Whitfield spreads Great Awakening.
  • War of Jenkins's Ear

    War of Jenkins's Ear
  • Period: to

    King George's War

    King George's War (War of Austrian Succession)
  • Priceton College

    Princeton College founded
  • Washington

    Washington battles French on frontier Albany Congress
  • Braddock's Defeat

    Braddock's Defeat
  • Period: to

    Seven Years' War

    Seven Years' War (French and Indian War)
  • Pitt

    Pitt emerges as leader of British government.
  • Quebec

    Battle of Quebec
  • Britain

    Britain vetoes South Carolina anti-slave trade measures.
  • 3 P's

    Peace of Paris
    Pontiac's Uprising
    Proclamation of 1763
  • Paxton Boys

    Paxton Boys march on Philadelphia
    Brown College founded.
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar act
  • 3 Acts

    Quartering Act
    Stamp Act
    Stamp Act Congress
  • Rutgers College

    Rutgers College founded
  • Declaratory Act

    Declaratory act
  • Acts & Parliament

    Townshend Acts
    New York Legislature suspended by Parliament
  • British Troops

    British troops occupy Boston
  • Period: to


    Regulator Protests
  • Dartmouth College

    Dartmouth College founded
  • Massacre & Acts

    Boston Massacre
    All Townshend Acts except tea tax repealed.
  • Committees

    Committees of correspondence formed
  • British & Governor Hutchinson

    Britsish Est India Company granted tea monopoly
    Governor Hutchinson's actions provoke Boston Tea Party
  • Acts. Congress, & Associations

    "Intolerable Acts"
    Quebec Act
    First Continental Congress
    The Association boycotts British goods
  • Battle

    Battles of Lexington & Concord.