Chapter 17

  • Harding takes office

    Harding takes office
    Harding had served one term in the senate when after he ran and won the presidency in 1921.
  • Teapot Dome

    Teapot Dome
    Harding's secretary Albert B. Fall secretly allowed private interests to lease lands containing US Navy oil reserves at Teapot Dome , Wyoming ,Elk Hills, and California.
  • Cal takes over

    Cal takes over
    After hardings death Calvin Coolidge avoided the crisises and adopted policies to help the nation stay prosperous so Coolidge easily won the republican election in 1924
  • John scopes

    John scopes
    Johns scopes was found guilty of teaching evolution in Tennesse
  • Henry Ford

    Henry Ford
    Henry Ford started selling Model Ts for $300
  • First to prison

    First to prison
    After the supreme court invalidated the leases in 1927 later in 1929 Secretary Fall became the first cabinet officer in American history to go to prison