• Archsduke Franz Ferdinand

    Archsduke Franz Ferdinand
    In June 1914 Archsduke Franz Ferdinand, belonging to the Austrian throne, visted Sarajevo the Bosnian capital. As Ferdinand traveled through the city, Gavrilo Princip stepped down and shot Ferdinand and his wife Sophie. Princep was a member of the Black Hand. The Black Hand was a orginization promoting Serbian nationalism. Ferdinand's assasination was the start of a diplomatic crisis.
  • A Short War

    A Short War
    on July 28 1914 Austra-Hungray declared a was against Serbia that was onl;y soposto be a short war.
  • German Invasion

    German Invasion
    On Augest 3, 1914 Germany invaded Belgium fo;lling a strategy known as the Schlieffen Plan which called for a holding action against Russia combined with a quick drive through Belgim to Paris . After France fell, the two German armies defeated Russia.
  • During the first battle of Somme

    The first battle of Somme began of July 1916 and lasted until the middle of November. The British suffered over 60,000 casualties just the first day. The final number of casualties totaled around 1.2 million and the war only covered only 7 miles of ground. The bloody TRENCH WARFARE, that armies fought for mere yards of ground, continued for over three years. But the fighting was just as horrific.