Changes in the Organizational Structure of Workplace and Benefits

  • Microsoft Office Software

    Microsoft Office Software
    Microsoft Office software enhanced how groups, individuals, and organizations present and keep information. The software allowed uniformity in all aspects of written communication in both qualitative and quantitative forms. Microsoft Office revolutionized how presentations, reports, and other informative materials are created, maintained, and dispersed to form common communicative threads between all organizational structures.
  • Americans with Disabilities Act

    Americans with Disabilities Act
    The Americans with Disabilities Act prohibited the discrimination of those with disabilities in the workplace and in public.The ADA requires that those with disabilities have accommodations in all fronts of society, and there could be lawsuits filed against any organization if they fail to make the appropriate accommodations or fail to hire someone due to their disabilities.This impacted the workplace because positively; it helped to ensure fair hiring process and enforce due process.
  • Period: to


    This timeline depicts some major changes that have influenced the workplace and benefits.
  • Climate Change Initiatives

    Climate Change Initiatives
    Al Gore helped to promote climate change awareness and initiatives by extending the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The UNFCC operates on the basis that carbon dioxide emissions provoke global warming which is supported in the scientific community. This changed the way the workplace viewed factory emissions as well as helped create environmental laws that reduced the amount of C02 produced by companies.
  • Online Universities/Classes

    Online Universities/Classes
    Online education revolutionized the ability and ease of gaining higher education and led to more skilled workers entering the job market. This revolution sparked when the Electronic University Network (EUN) offered its first round of courses in 1986 through DOS and Commodore 64 computers. Even though the internet had not yet been invented, they helped to develop collaborative phone-based classes. Soon after,EUN collaborated with others in 1992 to create a broad base of online classes.
  • The Internet and Spread of Email

    The Internet and Spread of Email
    The internet and the spread of email enhanced communication due to the efficiency of sending and receiving information. No longer would the post office be needed when an email could be sent,and textbooks would become archaic since the internet made research easier. Communication and knowledge became something that was easily accessible, and this transformed our society socially and academically.

    NAFTA was the first, large trade deal that effected commerce and economy. This act lead to a lot of outsourcing which resulted in better acquisition of goods and positive, domestic affairs.
  • Amazon/Online Shopping

    Amazon/Online Shopping
    Amazon/online shopping has changed the workplace due to the efficiency and speed of purchasing business and personal items. It became easier to do shopping online instead of shopping in-store. Consumers could spend more time at work or at home since they did not have to go to the physical store to buy goods. Today, online shopping has led to innovations such as ordering online take-out and even purchasing groceries.
  • Implementation of Wireless Internet

    Implementation of Wireless Internet
    A wireless form of internet promoted access to information and individual communication to anyone from anywhere. This adaptation allowed everyone to have instant knowledge no matter distance or time zone, whereas other forms of internet connection proved to be slow and tedious. WiFi revolutionized not only communication between organizations and people, but introduced a need for instant gratification in the pursuit of knowledge.
  • Invention of Hybrid Cars

    Invention of Hybrid Cars
    The invention of hybrid cars allowed people to commute to and from work while not worrying so much about their carbon emissions. This invention stemmed from global warming awareness and was one of the pioneer products that lead to the public being able to feel as though they were reducing their, personal, CO2 emissions.
  • Google and Other Search Engines

    Google and Other Search Engines
    Google revolutionized how quickly information can be found. Everyone is capable of using Google due to its user-friendly platform. Not only did Google streamline research, but it also has changed online advertising . It has profoundly coined the societal term, "google it" when something needs found, and its use transcends all organizational structures.
  • Columbine Shooting

    Columbine Shooting
    The Columbine Shooting was one of the first mass school shootings that led to public awareness and caution pertaining to guns. This event, alone, helped people realize that gun violence is an aspect of life that is pervasive throughout all organizational institutions, even in ones that contain children. This event is discussed when Second Amendment Acts are being debated, but despite this, and other mass shootings, gun regulations have not yet been determined.
  • GPS for Civilian Use

    GPS for Civilian Use
    With civilian's gain of GPS, location of a business or travel was no longer an issue. Shipping companies could confidently find customers' homes and could ship items appropriately without the tedious process of drafting directions via a hard-copy of a road map. People could find locations easier, and this not only helped the tourist industry, but business as well. People no longer had to rely on businesses that were local, but now could find other places to suite their specific needs.
  • Terrorist 9/11 Attacks

    Terrorist 9/11 Attacks
    The terrorist attacks of 9/11 evoked national and world change in the context of foreign affairs, national security, and the organizational structure of government. There was a large cultural shift and Muslims were viewed as a "dangerous" minority. The attacks caused a religious backlash, and we are still reaping the effects of the attacks today in terms of religious segregation of Muslims, potential ban of them in our country, and Muslim-based stereotypes.
  • Implementation of Social Media: Facebook

    Implementation of Social Media: Facebook
    This revolutionized and enhanced the aspect of social identity and sparked the need to be constantly, socially plugged into society. Facebook transformed the world of advertising and made it easy to promote and send information to the masses quickly and effortlessly. People could connect to each other no matter their place on earth and could project a specific self-identity to anyone.
  • YouTube

    YouTube revolutionized consumers' ability to video anything and put it online for the world to see. This reformed the workplace because it made training employees easier, allowed for easier brand management, and acted as another way for business to do advertising.
  • Creation of IPhone/Smartphones

    Creation of IPhone/Smartphones
    The creation of smartphones combined all the innovations of WiFi, Microsoft office, GPS, social media, and communication into one device that could be taken anywhere. Gaining and dispersing of all forms of knowledge structures became something that could be accessed automatically and within seconds. Smartphones revolutionized communication and made it possible to do so without actual spoken words. Smartphones transformed our language structure as we know it.
  • Economic Crisis of 2008

    Economic Crisis of 2008
    In 2008, the economy crashed causing an upheaval in our country's economic base. Through the loss of jobs and wages decreasing, our economy and society faced sizable hardships. During this time "Obamacare" came into play, which made businesses hesitant to hire more employee due to the national change in healthcare.
  • Citizens United

    Citizens United
    Citizens United ruled that corporations are people which have freedom of speech and the ability to donate as much money as they would like to political campaigns. This idea effects the election of government officials which in turn affects all other aspects of organizational structure.
  • Affordable Care Act

    Affordable Care Act
    This was an Act that made health care more affordable to all, especially low-income families. The health care Act reformed the workplace when it comes to how and who companies offer insurance. People had the ability to shop for insurance and those who had previous conditions could not be denied. All were covered under this Act.
  • Legalization of Gay Marriage

    Legalization of Gay Marriage
    Legalization of gay marriage changed the way the workplace could view and delegate spousal benefits when same-sex couples got married. This legalization allowed same-sex couples to receive the same benefits as other married couples. The workforce did not have a choice as to who was considered married or not, and under this legalization, other civil liberty disputes have come into play.
  • 2016 Presidential Election

    2016 Presidential Election
    The 2016 Presidential Election broke all known barriers that existed in our government. This breakthrough made it possible for someone who does not have a background in politics to be elected as president. The election also help to crack the metaphorical "glass ceiling." It was the first time in history where a woman gained a presidential nomination in the United States.