

  • The beginning

    Federal corps cross the river and then fight against lees defence.
  • The beginning

    them and the other corps end up coming together to keep moving up the river
  • The beginning

    then they start Crossing the Rapidan River via Germanna and Ely's Fords
  • Battle of Chancellorsville

    Battle of Chancellorsville
    April 30th- May 6th 1863
  • The battle

    Federal infantry concentrated near Chancellorsville on April 30
  • The war

    Hooker planned a double attack, that making him attack lee from front and back
  • The War

    Jackson brings his 27,000 trroops to attack Lee
  • The War

    Hooker withdrew his men to the defensive lines around Chancellorsville, cedinge to Lee
  • The battle

    Lee divided his army again and then sending Stonewall Jackson's entire corps on a flanking march that routed the Union
  • The battle

    Jackson then got hit from a shot by his own men.
  • The battle

    The worst day of the battle was today, Lee launched several attacks against the union and then loosing multiple people from boths sides of the battle.
  • The battle

    After moving west they driven all of sedgwicks men back to Banks ford surrounding them by 3 sides. Sedgwick withdrew across the ford on then May 5th.
  • The battle

    ** may 5th and 6th**
    Hooker ended up withdrawaling from the battle and then the campaign ended when Stonesman calvarey reached eastern union lines in Virginia.