Chain of events in upper canada

  • News of battle

    News of battle
    After hearing news of the battle of Saint-Charles in lower canada, Mackenzie begins to organize a rebellion in upper canada
  • Period: to

    Timeline of key events in upper canada

  • Attack on York

    Attack on York
    Mackenzie leads a disorganized attck on York (Toroto), which breaks up into confusion after a confrontation with fighters loyal to the government.
  • The government arms volunteers

    The government arms volunteers
    The government arms volunteers in Upper Canada to fight Mackenzie and his follwers. The volunteers quickly defeat the rebels. Mackenzie flees to the United States.
  • Events in 1838 for Upper Canada

    Events in 1838 for Upper Canada
    From the United States, Mackenzie continues to organize raids on Upper Canada. He captures Navy Island near Niagra Falls, where he declares a "Republic of upper canada." British troops and volunteers push back the raids each time