• Period: 66 BCE to 1 BCE


    This stage is known for the geographical displacements that occurred over the years.Thanks to the warm climate and the appearance of angiosperms, various species of mammals and birds were able to develop. The Cenozoic or Cenozoic era, a division of the geological timescale, is the geological era that began about 66 million years ago and continues to the present. It is the third and last era of the Phanerozoic eon and follows the It was Mesozoic.
  • Period: 66 BCE to 28 BCE


    It had a warm temperature, fast evolution and diversification of the animals, especially the mammals, too appaer the modern plants and the first grass and the carbon dioxide is diminishing
  • Period: 23 BCE to 3 BCE


    The Neogene period is a division of the geological time scale that belongs to the Cenozoic Era; within this, the Neogene follows the Paleogene and precedes the Quaternary There are records of extinction events that occurred in the Atlantic during the late Neogene.
  • Period: 2 BCE to 1 CE


    It began 2.59 million years ago and continues to the present. The Quaternary period was characterized by the decrease in environmental temperatures, which on several occasions gave rise to the so-called glaciations. During these, temperatures dropped significantly, glaciers were formed and even a large part of the continents were covered by thick layers of ice.