
cell theory

  • Period: Jan 1, 1500 to


  • Hans Janson 1590

    Hans Janson 1590
    Hans Janson 1590
    Hans invented the first microscope. His invention helped reject spontaneous generation because it made it possible to look at cells. His invention made it possible for scientist to know about cells today.
  • Zacharias Jansen

    Zacharias Jansen
    Zacharias Jensen worked with his father on the first microscope. His invention also helped lead to spontaneous generation being rejected because his microscope helped scientist look at cells.
  • Jean Baptiste van Helmont

    Jean Baptiste van Helmont
    Jean believed in Abiogenesis he believed in spontaneous generation. His beliefs helped reject spontaneous generation because scientist tested his thoughts.
  • Robert Hooke

    Robert Hooke
    Robert used a microscope to look at a piece of cork. He saw small spaces they reminded him of small rooms, he called the cells and cells means small rooms. This helped reject spontaneous generation because it showed that these cells came from something else not just nowhere.
  • Francesco Redi

    Francesco Redi
    Redi experimented with flies . His experiment led to spontaneous generation being rejected because it showed that maggots did not appear on meat unless flies where present. This proved that this organism must have another organism to be produced
  • Anton Van Leeuwenhoek

    Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
    Anton used to build microscopes he would look at many different things. He liked to look at lake water. He found one celled organisms and called them animalcules. This helped reject spontaneous generation because it showed another living thing that had cells.
  • Lazzaro Spallanzani

    Lazzaro Spallanzani
    Lazzaro preformed an experiment to disprove john needhams experiment. The experiment that Needham preformed was to boil broth and see if microorganisms appeared. Lazzaro did the same but boiled it for much longer. This rejected spontaneous generation the broth did not grow microorganisms
  • Matthais Schleidan

    Matthais Schleidan
    Matthis found out that all plants are made of cells. This helped reject spontaneous generation by showing that the cells are coming from someplace.
  • Theodor Scwann

    Theodor Scwann
    Theodor Shwann came to the conclusion that all animals are made of cells.this helped reject spontaneous generation by showing that the animals are not coming from something that has cells
  • Rene Dutrochet

    Rene Dutrochet
    Rene discovered that all plants contain cells. Rene introduced osmosis this is how cell react to different things. This helped reject spontaneous generation because it showed that all plants have cells that have to come from other cells
  • Rudolf Virchow

    Rudolf Virchow
    Rudolf came up with the idea that cells are produced by cells. This rejected Spontaneous generation because it showed that biotic factors could not come from abiotic factors
  • Louis Pasteur

    Louis Pasteur
    Louis tried the "soup experiment" like other scientisthis discovery was that soup only spoins when exposed to air. disproving spontaneous generation showin that the bacteria is not in the soup but the air
  • Ernst Ruska

    Ernst Ruska
    Ernst invented the transmission microscope in 1933. this rejected spontanious generation by allowing scientist to see smaller cells
  • Question

    The connection between the microscope and cell theory is that they are based on each other. With out magnifying devices the scientist would have not been able to discover cells showing that the cell theory depended on the invention of microscopes