Historic Evolution Timeline

  • 1284

    The very first eye glasses

    The very first eye glasses
    Salvino D'Armate of Italy was the first person to invent wearable eye glasses in 1284.
  • Hans and Zacharias Janssen

    Hans and Zacharias Janssen
    In 1590, Hans and Zacharias Janssen invented the first compound microscope by packing two lenses in a tube.
  • Galileo Galilei

    Galileo Galilei
    In 1609, Galileo Galilei, an Italian scientist, who was the first to point a telescope skyward.
  • Robert Hooke's discovery of Cell

    Robert Hooke's discovery of Cell
    In 1665, Robert Hooke, an English scientists who discovered a honeycomb-like structure using a primitive compound microscope. Hooke only saw cell walls as it was dead tissue and he labeled them as "cells."
  • Francesco Redi's Experiment

    Francesco Redi's Experiment
    Francesco Redi's demonstration of disapproving spontaneous generation.
  • Anton van Leeuwenhoek

    Anton van Leeuwenhoek
    In 1670, Anton van Leeuwenhoek is a Dutch biologist, who was the first person to see living cells in pond water by making himself a microscope lenses.
  • More discoveries by Anton Van Leeuwenhoek

    More discoveries by Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
    The year 1683, Anton Van Leeuwenhoek made more discoveries with a microscope, a single-celled organisms and he named them "animalcules" which means "miniature animals." He was also the first to discover the first protozoa and bacteria with a microscope.
  • Before the Newtonian Telescope

    Before the Newtonian Telescope
    In 1688, Sir Isaac Newton was the first to successfully create a microscope by using a concave primary mirror and a flat diagonal secondary mirror.
  • John Needham's Experiment

    John Needham's Experiment
    Needham challenged Redi's theory and prove spontaneous generation in microbes.
  • Lazzaro Spallanzani's Experiment

    Lazzaro Spallanzani's Experiment
    Lazzaro improved Redi and Needham's experiment to disapprove spontaneous generation by boiling flasks of gravy to kill life, he sealed one jar and left other jar open. The open jar had living microorganisms, the sealed jar did not so the gravy did not produce life, organisms entered through the air.
  • Invention of the first vaccination of smallpox

    Invention of the first vaccination of smallpox
    English surgeon, Edward Jenner invented/discovered the very first vaccine for small in 1796.
  • Joseph Jackson Lister

    Joseph Jackson Lister
    In 1826, Joseph Jackson Lister, an English amateur opticist designed and made significantly improved microscope lenses free from where objects appear coloured and where all objects appear as if circular.
  • Matthias Jakob Schleiden (co-founder of Cell Theory)

    Matthias Jakob Schleiden (co-founder of Cell Theory)
    In 1838, Matthias Jakob Schleiden, a German botanist, who made the first generalized statement that plant tissues are made of cells, and the cells are the basic building blocks of plants.
  • Theodor Schwann (co-founder of Cell Theory)

    Theodor Schwann (co-founder of Cell Theory)
    In 1839, Theodor Schwann, a German Botanist, who determined that not only plants have tissues but he also discovered animal tissues were also made of cells. Thus, the foundation of Cell Theory.
  • Albrecht von Roelliker

    Albrecht von Roelliker
    In 1840, Albrecht von Roelliker was the first to discover sperm and eggs are both reproductive cells.
  • Carl Heinrich Braun

    Carl Heinrich Braun
    In the year of 1845, Carl Heinrich Braun adapted that cell theory is the concept of cell as the basic unit of life.
  • Rudolf Virchow (third part of Cell Theory added)

    Rudolf Virchow (third part of Cell Theory added)
    In 1858, Rudolf Virchow, a German physiologist/physician/pathologist, who added the third part to the cell theory. He proposed that all cells come from existing cells and he was also proposed that diseased cells come from healthy cells.
  • Louis Pasteur's Experiment

    Louis Pasteur's Experiment
    Louis Pasteur used swan neck flasks to help disapprove spontaneous generation
  • Invention of the apochromatic lens systems

    Invention of the apochromatic lens systems
    In 1868, Ernst Abbe invented the apochromatic lens system for the microscope.
  • Robert Brown

    Robert Brown
    In 1883, Robert Brown discovered nucleus, which are reproductive cells, while he studying the process of fertilizations under the microscope.
  • F.E. Muller, who created the very first contact lenses.

    F.E. Muller, who created the very first contact lenses.
    In 1887, F.E. Muller, invented the first eye covering to be seen through and tolerated made from heavy blown glass.
  • Adolf Fick made the first pair of contact lenses for patients.

    Adolf Fick made the first pair of contact lenses for patients.
    Adolf Fick, a German doctor and physiologist, who invented the first contact lenses worn by patients in 1888.
  • Richard Zsigmondy

    Richard Zsigmondy
    In 1903, Richard Zsigmondy a German chemist, who invented the ultra-microscope to study objects below wavelength of light.
  • The very first ultra-violet microscope.

    The very first ultra-violet microscope.
    August Köhler, a German scientist and expert microscopist, was the person who constructed/invented the first ultra-violet microscope in 1904.
  • Invention of Transmission Electron Microscopes

    Invention of Transmission Electron Microscopes
    In 1931, Ernst Ruska and Max Knoll, both German electrical engineers, who had devised a two-lens electron microscope that produced images of the electron source.
  • Discovering of the Cell Membrane

    Discovering of the Cell Membrane
    In 1931, Janet Plowe demonstrates that the cell membrane is a physical structure, it is not an interface between two liquids.
  • Birth of the first contact lens.

    Birth of the first contact lens.
    In 1936, the very first contact lens were created by optometrist William Feinbloom because of the creation of polymethyl methacrylate.
  • Miller and Urey's Experiment of early earth.

    Miller and Urey's Experiment of early earth.
    Stanley Miller and Harold Urey's experiment was to examinate the chemical conditions of early earth with compounds.
  • First case of endosymbiosis by Lynn Margulis

    First case of endosymbiosis by Lynn Margulis
    Lynn Margulis established that some eukaryotic organelles such as mitochondria, and plastids that evolved from free-living bacteria, prokaryotes
  • Invention of the Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM)

     Invention of the Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM)
    In 1981, Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer invented the scanning tunneling microscopes, a non-optical instrument that allows the observation of individual atoms in three dimensions.