
causes of the civil war

  • Period: to

    causes of the civil war timeline

  • fugitive slave act

    the capture and return of the slaves in the U.S. The slaves were running away
  • missouri compromise

    Henry clay created the compromise in which slavery was forbidden in the loisianna territory north of the "missouri compromise" except missouri.
  • wilmot provisio

    amendment to a bill put before the U.S. house of representatives during the mexican war.
  • compromise of 1850

    admitted california as a free state. California was the first territory to have enough inhabitants to seek admission
  • kansas nebraska act

    people in a territory would decide for themselves wether that aea should have slavery because they wanted majority rule.
  • bleeding kansas

    term useed to describe the period of violence during the settling of the kansas territory. John brown was an abolitionist who led anti-slavery fighters in kansas to try to influence the decision
  • dredd scott vs. sandford

    scott was a slave who was taken to the north, then back to the south. then scott sued for his freedom. having been on free soil, he agued that he could not be taken back into slavery.
  • lincoln-douglass debate

    lincoln challenged senator stephen douglass to a series of formal debates. Douglass had introduced the doctrine to popular sovereignty to the slavery question.