Causes of the Civil War

  • The Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise
    Summary: Conflict erupted surrounding Missouri and wether or not it would be a free or slave state. The Missouri Compromise was created and Maine became a free state and Missouri a slave state. The line that split the North and South was at 36° 30' north latitude. Consequence to the War: This caused even more conflict between the North and South regarding slavery. Each feared that one would get more power than the other.
  • The South Carolina Nullification Crisis

    The South Carolina Nullification Crisis
    Summary: South Carolina attempted to nullify the Federal Tariffs of 1828 and 1832 lead by John C. Calhoun. Consequence to the War: Southerners feared that the North would place a protective tariff regarding slavery causing sectional tension to boil over.
  • The Wilmot Proviso

    The Wilmot Proviso
    Summary: California & terriotries of Utah and New Mexico became closed to slavery forever causing Congress to be split into regional lines. North was angry at the South because of their refusal for internal improvements. The South opposed the proviso as they thought that slaves were property & property is to be protected under the Constitution. Consequence to the War: The South became more angry towards the North in fear of there being more free states than slave states.
  • The Compromise of 1850

    The Compromise of 1850
    Summary: A series of resolutions set in hopes to settle all questions surround slavery. To please the North the compromise provided that California be admitted to the Union as a free state. To satisfy the South the compromise proposed a new and more effective fugitive slave law. Consequence to the War: They both thought that what the other got was better causing even more anger.
  • The Publication of Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin

    The Publication of Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin
    Summary: Harriet,Beecher Stowe wrote a bock on the truth about slavery and about how it was not only a political struggle but a moral one as well. Over a million copies were sold by 1853 and they stirred reactions from both the North and the South. Consequence to the War: This angered the North causing them to increase their protests against the Fugitive Slave Act .
  • The Kansas - Nebraska Act

    The Kansas - Nebraska Act
    Summary: The area was split into two territories: Nebraska in the north and Kansas in the south. This repealed the Missouri Compromise. The territories participated in popular sovereignty. Consequence of the War: The North saw this as a plot to turn territories into slave states but 90% of the South voted for this as they thought it would create more slave states. This caused bitterness to spill over into the general population.
  • The Dred Scott Supreme Court Case

    The Dred Scott Supreme Court Case
    Summary: Scott's slave master bought him from a slave state (Missouri). For a time Scott lived freely but his master died. He believed that because he did live freely for a time that he should be permanently free. He sued the federal court for his freedom and they ruled against him. Consequence to the War: The Supreme Court ruled that African Americans were not and could never be citizens which pleased the South and angered the North.
  • The Lincoln- Douglas Debates

    The Lincoln- Douglas Debates
    Summary: Douglas was a well known democrat and Lincoln was a lawyer. Douglas-popular sovereignty, thought slavery was moral&thought slavery would pass on its own. Lincoln-thought slavery was immoral&thought the end of slavery needed to be enforced. Each distorted the views of the other. Consequence to the War: Douglas was made to seem pro slavery&Linclon was made to seem pro racial equality. North wanted Lincoln and the South wanted Douglas.
  • John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry

    John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry
    Summary: Brown led 21 men into Harper's Ferry with the aim to seize the federal arsenal, distribute the stolen weapons to slaves to start a slave uprising. Citizens were held hostage in hopes that their slaves would join but none did. 8 of his men were killed, Brown was captured & 2 more of his men died. Consequence to the War: Brown was hanged which angered the people who disagreed with slavery&pleased those who did agree. Northerners expressed admiration for him and his cause.
  • The Election of Abraham Lincoln

    The Election of Abraham Lincoln
    Summary: Lincoln beat Douglas and their other opponents with the majority of the electoral votes. Douglas had most of the popular vote from the South.Linclon had most from the North. Votes were sectional. Consequence to the War: Southerners were concerned that their political voice was lost.Free states were pleased.