Causes of the Civil War

  • mexican american war

    A war fought to get the land of texas. That could give the south more land
  • free soil party

    The free soil party was created by antislavery northerners. the group supported wilmot proviso
  • compromise of 1850

    californinia would enter the union as a free state. Also the rest of the mexican cession was divided into two territories-utah and new mexico
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    A law/act that congress passed stating that fugitive slaves are denied trial by jury and authorizes that the state judge is to decide the slaves fate. Many northern leaders opposed the law because it's a direct assault on personal liberty.
  • Uncle Toms Cabin

    A book that had sold hundreds of thousands of copies and eventually turned into a play. it changed americas view on slavery.
  • franklin Pierce

    A little-known polititian from new hampshere. Pierce supported the compromise of 1850 and the fugitive slave act
  • Kansas Nebraska act

    Southerners and Northerners both moved to Nebraska and they both had different views on slavery, so it eventually broke into violence.
  • Republican Party

    The Republican Party is a political party that got supporters from all the other political parties. Their canidate for the Election of 1860 was Abraham Lincoln. Abe won.
  • Pottawatomie massacre

    Brown an his men stormed the houses of his enemies took them and chopped them into pieces with broadswordsonly to show southerners that this is Gods doing.
  • Dredd Scott

    supreme court ruled that blacks arent citizens in the United States and slaveholders have the right to take existing slaves into free areas of the country.
  • Lincoln- Douglas Debates

    Debates in which Lincoln challenged Douglas about the spreading of slavery. Lincoln got popoular which made him win the election of 1860
  • attack on harpers ferrey

    John Brown and his group of men had taken over an engine house full of weapons and had killed many people. then Col. Robert E. Lee arrived, surrounded the engine house and killed Browns men and captured Brown.
  • Election of 1860

    Abraham Lincoln won because he got all the northern states' votes and none of the southerners' votes so the south was mad.
  • Confederate States Of America

    When the south was mad about Lincoln winning the elcetion 7 of the south states seceded from the nation.
  • Slavery

    Slavery was when people bought African Americans or other people to be slaves. They worked on plantations or in the house.
    North- against
    South- For