causes of the civil war

  • Missouri compromise

    Missouri compromise
    The north create a compromise that would section off the north from the south. This means missouri will be free and the south are worried about the compromise
  • Wilmont proviso

    Wilmont proviso
    It was an act to make the new mexico land ban slavery
  • zachary taylor

    zachary taylor
    Zachary taylor was a large slave owner who wanted to get rid of slavery because it was dangerous, and the south hated him. He died from cherrys a year later.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    Makes california free state, but new mexico and utah will bevoted to decide if it is free or not.
  • Fugitive slave act

    Fugitive slave act
    The south made an act that kept the north from helping slaves
  • Millard Fillmore

    Millard Fillmore
    Millard hated zachary taylor, and signed the fugitive slave act and the compromise of 1850..
  • Uncle toms cabin

    Uncle toms cabin
    Harriet beecher saw the treatment of slaves in the south, and was horrified. She decided to write a book about it and the south fel misrepresented and was angry.
  • Franklin pierce

    Franklin pierce
    Signed the kansas nebraska act
  • Kansas - Nebraska act

    Kansas - Nebraska act
    The north wants kansas to be a free state, so the north attacks the south with beechers bibles.
  • Republican party

    Republican party
    The republican party was created at jackson, michigan.
  • Sumner caning

    Sumner caning
    Sumner was a young congress man who disrespected preston brooks
  • Dred scott

    Dred scott
    Dredscott was a slave in the north who lived with his owner. He attempted to sue his owner. He lost the case.
  • lincoln-douglas debates

    lincoln-douglas debates
    Lincoln wanted to ban slavery while douglas planned to nationalize it.
  • Harpers ferry

    Harpers ferry
    Harpers fairy was a group of northerners who raided the south and stole from weapon stashes. The south hung the leader John brown.