Catherine the great

Catherine the Great

  • Event #1

    Event #1
    On April 21, 1729 Catherine the Great was born. She was born in Stettin, Germany, with the name Sophia Augusta Frederica. She was born to Christian Augustus and Joanna Elizabeth. The significance of Catherine's birth is that latter in life she would become a great czarina of Russia and help improve and modernize Russia.
    (Moscow 96)
  • Event #2

    Event #2
    In 1744 Catherine was taken to Russia from Germany to be wed to the Crown Prince Peter. This marriage was arranged by Empress Elizabeth who wanted her son to produce an heir to the Russian throne. Their wedding was on August 21, 1754 in St. Petersburg. Catherine was 25 years old when they were married. This marriage was significant because it opened the door for Catherine to take the throne of Russia herself, and to make the great changes of Russia that she did.
    (Thomas 166)
  • Event #3

    Event #3
    In 1762 Empress Elizabeth of Russia dead leaving Prince Peter as her heir. Peter was unpopular with the people and was weak in many aspects. Catherine the Great, his wife, was not weak as he was so the regiments of the guard plotted how to make Catherine Empress of Russia. The guards murdered Peter to open the spot for Catherine to become Empress. Catherine taking the crown is significant because with her strong leadership Russia would become a great power in the world.
    (Thomas 166)
  • Event #4

    Event #4
    In 1764 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart wrote his first symphony called Symphony No. 1. At this time he was only 8 years old and had composed very little music. However, he was well known as a performer, and had traveled all across eastern Europe with his family playing piano. This is significant because Mozart would grow up to compose over 600 pieces and this was the start of his career.
    (Grun 352)
  • Event #5

    Event #5
    In 1775 James Watt perfected the Newcomen steam engine. He realized when working on one of the steam engines how much steam it wasted. So, he invented the separate condenser which would be a chamber separate from cylinder where condensation could occur. He later tested his new engine with loans from Joseph Black, and patented it. This invention is significant because it made the steam engine more efficient.
    (Grun 352)
  • Event #6

    Event #6
    In 1767 Catherine the Great called a group of deputies to meet in a group called the Legislative Commission. She wanted these people to help write a new set of laws for Russia. They met 203 times but no new laws were made. The meetings still provided Catherine with a better understanding of her people. The Legislative Commission gave an insight to the ideas and beliefs different social groups had. It was significant because from there she had new groups meet to create laws for Russia.
  • Period: to

    Event #16

    Catherine the Great was queen during the Russo-Turkish Wars which started because Russia desired a port on the Black Sea which was controlled by Turkey. The war began when Turkey demanded that Catherine the Great stop interfering with Poland's affairs. From then on Russia won many battles against the Turks. In the end Russia gained land, and was given the right to having a fleet in the Black Sea. The significance of this was that Catherine helped to expand Russia's territories.
    (Thomas 166)
  • Event #7

    Event #7
    In 1768 the first editions of the Encyclopedia Britannica were published. It was first published in Scotland on December 10, 1768. It said it would provide accurate and explanations of terms as they occurred in the order of the alphabet. The publication would occur 1768 to 1771. This was significant because it was the first encyclopedia that gave very in depth explanations of terms along with more simple definitions in the same book.
    (Grun 352)
  • Event #8

    Event #8
    The first cast-iron bridge was built in Coalbrookdalr, Shropshire in 1773. It was the bold idea of Thomas Farnolls Pritchard who was an architect. He used new iron-casting techniques and his knowledge of engineering to design the bridge. The new bridge opened on New Year's Day in 1781. It used a total of 378 tons of iron. The building of this bridge was significant because it inspired the construction of bridges in the future.
    (Grun 352)
  • Event #9

    Event #9
    In 1774 there was a revolt against Catherine the Great. Cossack Yemelyan Pugachev led the revolt saying that he was Peter the III and that the reports of his death were false. He convinced many lower class people to follow him, and said he would end their oppression. There were many uprisings because of this but they ended with his capture in late 1774. This is significant because Catherine the Great increased the authority of the nobility as a safeguard to future rebellion.
  • Event #10

    Event #10
    In 1775 Catherine the Great divided Russia into provinces based on the populations in different areas. Each province was given judicial figures and well as police and administration. The nobles in Russia were no longer in charge of the central government, but rather worked in these province governments. This time was significant because Catherine the Great was reforming Russia's government, and changing it from what it had been before her time.
  • Event #11

    Event #11
    In 1782 the Bank of North America was established. The bank was the first created by the national government to business for the country. It was established in Pennsylvania and soon 99 Philadelphians subscribed to bank shares. The bank opened on January 7, 1782. The creation of the Bank of North America was significant because it would be used to stabilize the national currency and keep the Confederation from going bankrupt.
    (Grun 352)
  • Event #12

    Event #12
    In 1785 Catherine the Great had the Charter of Nobility published which increased the power of the upper class citizens. But, it also forced many people into serfdom which was like slavery. She was trying to improve life for the nobles because they had the most power. If the nobles didn't like her they would be able to make a change because they were more powerful than serfs. This is significant because it ensured that Catherine the Great would keep her power.
    ( Editors)
  • Event #14

    Event #14
    In 1786 Catherine the Great adopted a plan for a large scale education system. She added to the number of elementary and secondary schools in Russia. A network of boarding schools for orphaned children opened to educate them so they could become members of the working class. There were also private boarding schools opened for the more wealthy students. The significance of these reforms that Catherine the Great made to education was that it was educating the future generation.
  • Event #13

    Event #13
    In 1786 the first school for the blind was founded in Paris, France. The Institute for Blind Youth was founded by Valentin Haüy. He had become extremely interested in education for the blind, and created books that had raised bumps for letters so blind people could read. This is significant because it was a new way for blind people to learn to read and write, and it was the first school for the blind.
    (Grun 352)
  • Event #15

    Event #15
    Catherine the Great died on November 16,1796. She had ruled greatly for 34 years and had made Russia a very mighty world power. She had worked to expand Russia's territories and to improve life in Russia for many people. The death of Catherine the Great signified the death of a great reformer and great leader.
    (Moscow 107)