
Canadian Influences in the Art World

  • Robert Munsch

    Robert Munsch
    Many children are big fans of the quirky Author, Robert Munschs’ works. With a writing style similar to Dr. Sues', Mr. Munsch has become very well known throughout his literary career. Bestselling stories by this talented man empower children and teach life lessons while staying in a light tone. There is no age limit, gender or cultural restriction to audiences of Robert Munches' books, anyone and everyone can enjoy his humours and vivid works.
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    Canadian Influences in the Art World

  • National Balet of Canada

    National Balet of Canada
    The National Ballet of Canada consists of highly recognized and well trained classical dancers. Only the best of the best in the field are accepted into this company that tours to many different countries, showcasing a wide range of masterpieces. The National Ballet of Canada is a gift to emerging chorographers and talent from our county because it helps them develop skills and build a name for themselves outside their home towns.
  • IMAX Entertainment

    IMAX Entertainment
    In 1970 when IMAX movie viewing was created, experiencing motion pictures had been changed forever. The enterprise that follows the slogan “IMAX is believing” has become a global phononomon. The special screens that proudce larger and clearer images, complete with improved sound continue to be placed in theatres everywhere. Canadians are responsible for this amazing invention.
  • CN Tower

    CN Tower
    The CN Tower is a landmark in Toronto, Ontario that citizens are all very proud of. As one of the one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern the fantastic work of architecture stands among one of the tallest free standing structures on the world, measuring 553 m. Few people are aware that the CN tower was nationally created to transmit radio broadcasting signals. Thanks to this radio stations with different types of music are able to be heard from far away (something that wouldn’t be possible befor
  • TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival)

    TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival)
    Every year big name stars come to visit Hollywood North and participate in the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF). Ever since this event has started up, audiences and success have grown. The glamorous and exclusive festival welcomes and screens over 300 films from upward of 60 countries annually. This occasion holds it's place as the 2nd most recognized festivals of its kind. TIFF supports Canadian talent and exposes them, helping them to gain international acclaim.
  • Joni Mitchell's Rise to Fame

    Joni Mitchell's Rise to Fame
    Joni Mitchell is a gifted recording artist and song writer recognized globally. During the peak of her career in the late 1970's, she preformed meaningful songs that reflected on life. These melodies often touched on world issues including the wars of the time. Joni Mitchell often entertained audiences alongside another successful Canadian, Neil Young. This woman was a gateway for other Canadian musicians to explore outside the country. Joni Mitchell has built her own legacy,
  • Edmonton Mall

    Edmonton Mall
    A shopaholic’s paradise! Edmonton Mall’s 5.3 million square space has evolved over the years, producing overwhelming nobility. The heaven of a building consists of almost one thousand stores and many tourist attractions all under one roof! This destination that has become the largest mall in North America, allowing people from all over to view Canadians as creative and clever individuals.
  • Cirque Du Soleil

    Cirque Du Soleil
    They're not clowning around, these mind-blowing entertainers take their work very seriously! Cirque Du Soleil's acrobats and contortionists stage specticalsin over 40 countries at prestigious venues, including radio City Music Hall. The company has come quite far from its beginnings, touring Quebec City. Being a member of Cirque Du Soleil (translated to Circus of the Sun) is a lifelong dream that many work towards achieving.The many shows can be appreciated by all, with no language barriers.
  • Hudsons Bay Company Ends Fur Trade

    Hudsons Bay Company Ends Fur Trade
    The Hudsons Bay Company is symbolic of our glorious Country. The retail chain was first used to trade fur with Native Canadians during the fifteenth centaury. This all changed in 1991 when the company decided to abolish their use of fur manufacturing and sales. This choice left some citizens disappointed and others pleased. Ultimately, it got people talking and made a swith involving of the views of the injustice and animal cruelty for fashion.
  • K'nan Arists for Haiti (Wavin' Flag)

    K'nan Arists for Haiti (Wavin' Flag)
    After the terrible events of the 2010 Haitian earthquake, Canadians were of aid to those who were affected overseas. A musical inactive that sprung from singer, K’nan was very successful, raising charity funds, gaining 4.5 million views on YouTube and becoming an anthem of hope and pride. The song that was also used a the theme song of the world cup included a version with over 57 Canadian artists of different genres showcasing home grown talent and the values of our people.