BUS 380 History of Management

  • Frederick Taylor- Scientific Management

    Frederick Taylor- Scientific Management
    Taylor is known to be the creator of Scientific Management, he got published in 1911 (The Principles of Scientific Management) which turned the work force around. To this day we still use the Scientific Management it helps businesses understand what jobs can be done the quickest and least cost effective.
    (Blake & Moseley, 2011)
  • Andrew Carnegie the Man of Steel

    Andrew Carnegie the Man of Steel
    Carnegie was known for always finding ways to find a cheaper less expensive way to make a product, his product was steel. He created the first low cost steel company which cut cost from $135 a ton to $12 a ton by 1900 he was considered one of the richest men in the world.
    (Jones & George, 2014)
  • Gantt Chart- The chart of Management

    Gantt Chart- The chart of Management
    The chart is able to show scheduled and actual progress of projects. This chart is still used today by management.
    (Gnatt.com, 2010)
  • Frederick Taylor gets Published

    Frederick Taylor gets Published
    The Principles of Scientific Management was published to the public. It allowed Taylors ideas to be heard through text.
  • Henry Ford and the conveyor belt

    Henry Ford and the conveyor belt
    Ford was capable of successfully running a manufacturing conveyor belt to move parts down an assembly line. He invented a management that would allowed more product to leave working the same amount of time. Ford ran the business very strict having inspectors check on employees. It was a high stress job that left a massive turnover in workers leaving. Ford’s conveyor belt led to a new way of manufacturing to those who could handle the high stress.
    (Jones & George, 2014)
  • Henri Fayol's New Guidelines

    Henri Fayol's New Guidelines
    Fayol came up with fourteen principles of administration and the six Functions of Management. Foyol thought that if a manager wanted to be successful they would need to know everything about their bussiness.

    (Wren , Bedeian & Breeze , 2002)
  • Administrative Management

    This type of Management was to focus on to create structure in a work place and how employee's use resources to reach goals. Which help lead to Fayol.
    (Jones & George, 2014)
  • Mary Parker Follett

    Mary Parker Follett
    Mary Parker Follett saw management from a different view than others, she focused on the workers side, and she would ask workers how they liked their job. Made them feel like they were not just a number in the factory, boost morale and production went up. Between Follett and Taylor a work place could be a success.
    Jones & George, 2014)
  • Weber's Bureaucracy

    Weber's  Bureaucracy
    He started the princaples of bureaucracy, which is a system to ensure effciency and how effective the plan will be. It was a clear layout of power. (Jones & George, 2014)
  • The Hawthorn Studies

    The Hawthorn Studies
    Workers change their behavior becuase they know they are being watched by a manger or someone who is studying them for information.
    (Jones & George, 2014)
  • Gilbreth A Physical Workplace

    Gilbreth A Physical Workplace
    A study was to see if the stress and fatigue would lead to poor work. They also took away factors such as heat, light and color. The results they saw helped shaped the management theory. (Jones & George, 2014)
  • Informal Organization

    Informal Organization
    A set of norms that is in a group. This bonds the group together which helps work increase because they enjoy being there. This can fall into a strong aspect of the Hawthrone study with the emtion of employees. This is a set of rules that are unspoke of but happen in the workplace and have a strong effect with work.
    (Jones & George, 2014)
  • Mayo and Human Relations

    Mayo and Human Relations
    Mayo came to the conclusion that respect from the manager position would trickle down and promote better work from employees. Mayo helped the Hawthorne studies to come up with this theory. ( Banta, 2012)
  • Leadership

    Peter Drucker comes up with a set of guidelines to give structure to an employee to complete the task, shows the roles of a management.
    (Drucker, 1986)
  • Theory X & Y

    Theory X & Y
    Theory X: Managers should closely watch over workers to make sure work is being done. They believe workers are lazy and will try to get away with anything.
    Theory Y: The workers will stay on task without supervision and do well for the company. They will do try to succeed if the mangers gives them the tools to do so. (Jones & George, 2014)
  • Organization Development

    Organization Development
    A different way to approach a problem with a group to accomplish a bigger goal then one could by themselves and predict the outcomes of the future.
  • SWOT

    The SWOT table is used to evaluate the strategic plans that a company has planned. It allows them to see Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats. (Thakur, 2010)
  • Equal Pay Act

    Equal Pay Act
    This act allowed that women will be paid the same amount as men are for doing the same work. Jones & George, 2014)
  • Title Seven Civil Rights

    Title Seven Civil Rights
    This act stops discrimination in employment options. It was used for hiring, firing, promotion working conditons and pay everyone was to be paid equal. (Jones & George, 2014)
  • Age Discrimination Employment Act

    Age Discrimination Employment Act
    Allows workers over the age of 40 to have a fair chance to have a job if they are quilified for. (Jones & George, 2014)
  • Contingency Theory

    Contingency Theory
    This theory by Tom burns and G.M. Stalker sums up that there is multiple ways to complete a task, it depends on what kind of personalities you have on the task force trying to complete the objective.
    (Jones & George, 2014)
  • Pregnancy Discrimination Act

    Pregnancy Discrimination Act
    Prohibits not hiring becuase a female is having a child and medical reasons realted to that topic. (Jones & George, 2014)
  • Americans with Disabilities Act

    Americans with Disabilities Act
    Requries that employers make accommodations for a disabled worker to do the job they are given in a safe place. It also excludes them to not hire because of a persons disability . (Jones & George, 2014)
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    Allows backpay to those who won a case on compensatory damages. It is close with Title 7 that all should be created equal especially in the work place. (Jones & George, 2014)
  • Family and Medical Leave Act

    Family and Medical Leave Act
    Medical leave is a requirement, it is a paid time off work for medical reason could be for illness, expecting children or family reasons. (Jones & George, 2014)