Bru and Ju the models

  • Bru and Ju decide

    Julia and Bruna decide they want to be models
  • The model company

    They go to the model company and try to be models
  • Oh no

    After many weeks they are almost models, but then the model company tells them they are too ugly to be models
  • goodbye models

    They are given 2 days to get all their stuff, then they're thrown out of the model company
  • Realization moment

    They're very sad because their dreams of becoming models were crushed. Julia is crying in the street while Bruna holds her tears and conforts her friend.
  • Looking for a job

    After many weeks looking for a job and contacting agency's, sending e-mails and having phonecalls, they bump into a famous director of a film in the street.
  • New Hope

    The director in the street looks happy to see them, and he says an agent contacted him and told him about two girls, and he was going to their house to talk to them personally. He also said they could try out for the two main roles in the movie.
  • Film

    They obviously agreed straight away, and had agreed on a date to try out for the part .They were given a script, and after they had read it, and highlited their parts, they discovered that the film was about two girls who were completely different and opposites and became best friends. One of them was the most popular girl in school, and the other one was the most excluded and dorkeist in school, but they were both kind to others, and the popular girl wasn;t mean, she was just mean to bullies.
  • Trying out for the part

    The film was about how the 2 girls became friends, and Julia and Bruna had memorized all they're parts. They went to the place where they had agreed too meet,which was where the director of this film saw people try out for the role
  • Yes or No?

    In the end after several ours of acting and qeustioning, the two girls were exausted. They had gone home and waited patiently for the direcctor's answer. After many days, he finally sent the answer by letter. And he said he loved they're acting, and he would love for them to participate in their film.
  • Becoming movies stars part 2

    Continuing from last one... were. the guy of course had surgery, but it had been too late, he was already blinf. This gave the model company no oother option than to say sorry and fire him.
  • Living a happy life

    They worked hard and beame great actresses, and became very rich adn lived a very happy life.
  • Becoming Movie stars

    After a year the film is finally ready, and it's launched into the world. After only a few months they become very famous, and work hard in their future films. Model companies even ask them to model for them, and they discover that when they were young the odel company that said they were ugly actually had a serious infection and disease in the eye that made him see people distortedd and very different than they actually were. The guy of course had sergery, but it was too late, he was already