
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka

  • The issue

    The issue
    Oliver Brown had a third grade daughter that had to walk to an all black school while there was a white school much closer to her house. Also white schools recieved better funding and were not overcrowded like colored schools.
  • Brown presents argument

    Brown presents argument
    Oliver Brown became plaintiff of the case. This side of the argument claimed that separation was unconstitutional. The issue of the case was equal protection under the law. The amendments related to this case are: The Thirteenth Amendment (ended slavery), the Fourteenth Amendment (granted citizenship to and protected the civil rights of former slaves), and the Fifteenth(gave adult black men the right to vote).
  • John Davis presents his argument

    John Davis presents his argument
    John W. Davis argued that the schools were "separate but equal".
  • All White School

    All White School
  • All Black School

    All Black School
  • All Black School

    All Black School
  • White Students Protesting

    White Students Protesting
  • Decision of the case

    Decision of the case
    The Court agreed unanimously that school segregation and discrimination was unconstitutional. The precedent of this decision was integration of schools.
  • Effects of the case

    Effects of the case
    Brown II followed the court's decision to decide how to correct the segregated schools. The Supreme and District Courts were to determine whether states were making efforts to integrate "with all deliberate speed."