
Brigham Kimball 4B

By kariso
  • battle of fort sumpter

    battle of fort sumpter
    fort sumpter is near Charleston and the confederates wanted it because it was in there territory and they didn't want the union to have it. it is one of the most significant battles of the civil war because it was the first battle in the civil war. the confederates bombarded the union when they came to resupply the fort. the union surrendered and the confederates took the fort. this battle was the start of the war and made the union prepare and get ready for battle.
  • the Battle of Bull run

    the Battle of Bull run
    The battle of bull run was when the union army marched towards Washington D.C to get the confederate army. the confederates stayed at bull run. eventually confederate reinforcements came to help. this is one of the most important battles in the civil war because it had a big impact on the union and confederates. that is why this is one of the most important battles in the civil war.
  • battle of shiloh

    battle of shiloh
    In the battle of shiloh 40,000 confederate soldiers attacked encamped union soldiers near Pittsburg landing near the Tennessee river. the overpowering confederate soldiers from there camps. the cause of the battle of shiloh was that the confederates took advantage over the union and did a surprise attack. this is one of the most significant battles of the civil war because it was one of the bloodiest battles in the civil war. the confederates made the right choice attacking the union.
  • Battle of Vicksburg

    Battle of Vicksburg
    the battle of Vicksburg is significant because it was the last military action in the civil war. the union army converged on the confederates and trap them in Vicksburg. is is said that the Vicksburg campaign was one of the most brilliant campaigns. the battle was the battle to end the civil war. This makes this the most important battle of the civil war.
  • Gettysburg address

    Gettysburg address
    the Gettysburg address is one of the most important parts of the civil war. Lincoln gave the address at the dedication of the national cemetery in Gettysburg. He gave the speech after another guy gave a two hour speech. the Gettysburg address gave the people hope that they would end the war soon. people first thought that it was one of the worst speeches in history until later they new how good it was.
  • assignation of Abraham Lincoln.

    assignation of Abraham Lincoln.
    The assignation of Abraham Lincoln happened right after the war had ended. the man who killed Lincoln was named James Willks Booth. he shoot Lincoln in the back of the head in a theater then escaped. this is significant because it is the end the presidency. i happened right at the end and right before Lincoln was going to bring the union back to gather.