
Brandon Dasen Great Depression

  • The stock market crash

    The stock market crash
    The Stock market crashes. It crashes because of the weak economy. Then the people lose their jobs because they have non money.
  • The Great Dpression Starts

    The Great Dpression Starts
    The Great Depression starts. The politics think it is all a big joke. It lasts a whole unhappy decade.
  • People lose their jobs

    People lose their jobs
    Because of the stock market crash and a weak economy almost everybody lose their jobs. The people that have jobs have been cut back on pay. People also know that because of Hoover sitting back and watching everyting go up and down caused the Great Depression.
  • President Rosevelt elected

    President Rosevelt elected
    President FDR was elected and did some better things tor us. He created the new deal which kept us alive. He also helped out farmers.
  • The New Deal

    The New Deal
    The New Deal starts. It will help us back on track. We work hard to get jobs and it works with the The New Deal!!!!!!!!
  • The Great Depression ends!

    The Great Depression ends!
    The Great Depression finally ends! Thank you President Roosevelet! The New Deal saved us with WWII!