Book 3

  • The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan (1-61)

    It starts with a girl named Mary in a village of "sisterhood". Her mom gets to close to the fence to the forest of ands and teeth and gets bitten. It is like zombies so she turns into one. They let her go into the forest, and Mary is devistated because she was supossed to be watching her mom.
  • The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan (61-111)

    Because her mother is gone, she becomes one of the sisters in the sisterhood. Things get interesting when an outsider named Gabrielle drifts into Mary's village, and is whisked away by the Sisters before the people of the village can hear of her. For Mary, Gabrielle's existence means one thing: there is life outside her village and the forest. But then he goes and returns as a Unconsecrated.
  • The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan (111-187)

    Mary's world finally crumbles when the Unconsecrated, led by a vicious Gabrielle, break through the fences, killing and turning any human being they come in contact with.
    From the start, Mary was Facinated by what "used to be" the ocean. She didnt understand it, but heard stories about it. She wants to find it.
  • The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan (250-310)

    While mary is in the Forest, She coninues to think about her "love" Travis. She is sad that he is gone (normal lovey dovey stuff). She soon reaces the gate and opens to the ocean.
  • The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan (187-250)

    This part of the book isnt very interesting in my view. She opens the gates into the forest and is on a journy to the ocean and to see life outside of her village.