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Disruptions in the World

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    LGTBQ+ Awareness

    They hold a march and the whole month of June is dedicated to bringing awareness to this community. It is mainly seen on twitter, Instagram and Facebook. A huge thing in the month of June is turning profile pictures to a rainbow look. This allows people to be united and know who is supporting this cause.
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    Black Lives Matter

    One of the main platforms to keep this movement going is Twitter. Facebook has also been a huge part in the movement. The hashtag #blacklivesmatter was added to millions of posts saying they agree or disagree with the movement.
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    Kaepernick kneeling down during the national anthem. This has been a huge movement on both sides. Has been seen on twitter and Facebook, as well as Instagram.
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    Womens March

    This is bringing awareness to women equality and started on twitter mainly then was brought attention through Facebook and Instagram. There have been millions of hashtags for womensmarch. There are also pictures that go with it.
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    Me Too Movement

    This movement brings awareness to sexual assault. The main platforms for this was twitter and facebook. The hashtag #metoo was a great indicator of the movement that was used on all social media platform. Helped gain awareness and unite everyone through this hashtag.