Birth Timeline

  • Conception

    Just go Pregnant
  • Month 1

    This is the beginning of the first trimester. The baby is about the size of a grain of rice. The mouth, lower jaw and throat are developing
  • Month 2

    The facial features continue to develop and the ear starts forming. The baby is about the size of an inch.
  • Month 3

    Fingernails, toenails, teeth, and the reproductive organ start to develop.The baby is now about 3-4 inches. This is now the end of the first trimester.
  • Month 4

    This is the beginning of the second trimester. The baby's nervous system in starting to function. The reproductive organs and genitalia are now fully developed. The baby is now about 6 in.
  • Month 5

    Hair is beginning to grow on the baby's head, and lanugo. Soft, fine hair covers the baby's shoulders, back, and temples. The baby's skin is covered in vernix caseosa, which is a whitish color. The baby is now around 10 inches. By this time in your pregnancy, you might feel the baby move.
  • Month 6

    This is the last month of the second trimester. The baby's finger and toe prints as well as the veins are now visible. The baby's eye lids start to part so the baby's eyes open. You may feel your baby respond to sounds. The baby is now around 12 inches.
  • Month 7

    This is the beginning of the third trimester. Fat now begins to deposit on the baby. The baby's hearing is now fully developed. The baby may change positions frequently. The baby can now react to sound, pain, and light. The baby is now about 14 inches.
  • Month 8

    The baby's brain is developing fast. He/she can now see and hear. You may feel your baby kick more. The baby is now about 18 inches.
  • Month 9

    This is the end of your third trimester. His/her lungs are almost all developed. Your baby can now close their eyes, blink, grasp tightly, turn their head and respond to light, sound, and touch
  • Delivery

    Before you deliver your baby your water will break which is a sign that you are going into labor. You will now deliver your baby.