Birth of Modern America

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    Urbanization & Industrialization

    Everything is beginning to become bigger and more advanced. These two things are stil used to this day and are very known. Everything is getting bigger and better.
  • Political Machines

    Political Machines
    Political machines were used in the Civil War times. They support other small businesses and companies
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    Immigration and the American Dream

    Living the "American Dream" is known for migrating to the America's to get educated and become successful. People move here from other countries for Job opprotunities. This is still a dream of others to this days in other countries, It is a very exoensive process.
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    Populism & Progressivism

    Urbanization goes into decline. Persidents scandal to help make the economy and government better to please the people.
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    Indian Removal

    Government kicked indians out of their home land violating the law.
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    Clarence Darrow

    In the 1920's he was known for being the most famous attourney in the United States.
  • Homestead Act

    Homestead Act
    The United States Government gives everyone equal opprotunity to claim 160 acres of land. The terms "boomer" and "sooner" were used in this time period because of peoples timing of claiming land.
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    Ida B. Wells

    She plblished many books, one of them being "The Record". She was african american. She loved to write and journalize.
  • Susan B. Anthony

    Susan B. Anthony
    Susan B. Anthony was arrested for trying to vote before women had rights. And she has a house called the "Susan B. Anthony" house in her rememberance in New York.
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    Social Gospel

    Religious movement that spread the word of God.
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    The Gilded Age

    This was a growth of indursty and immigration movement. The rail road industry boomed and oil and steel were in demand. The gilded age gets its name from the wealth and things made in this time period.
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    Civil Service Reform

    Reform of the US government.
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    Eugene V. Debbs

    He founded the industrial workers of america.
  • Heymarket Riot

    Heymarket Riot
    A labor rally protest in Chicago caused a riot. Killing dozens of people. People were protesting over small pay wages and discustng and mediocre working conditions.
  • Dawes Act

    Dawes Act
    The Dawes act gave native indians their land and protection back. This gave school scholar ships to any native in Oklahoma.
  • Andrew Carnegie

    Andrew Carnegie
    Andrew Carnegie owned Carnegie Steel Corporation. It was known as the largest in the world. He was huge in the steel company.
  • Jane Addams

    Jane Addams
    The Hulll House was opened by Jane Addams. It was the first settlement house. This is located in Chicago.
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    Klondike Gold Rush

    Gold rush was hit in north America. 100,000 people rused for gold up north and hundreds died trying to become wealthy.
  • Williams Jenning Bryan

    Williams Jenning Bryan
    William was a 3 time presidential canidate in Nebraska. He was an American Poltician.
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    Theodore Roosevelt

    Theodore Roosevelt was the 26th president of the United States of America. He was a historian, hunter, and a naturalist.
  • Muckracker

    A name applied to a journalist in the 1900's. They would abuse and mislead everything in politics and over react and drag things out.
  • Pure Food and Drug Act

    Pure Food and Drug Act
    This was made to mske sure all food was being handled carefully and cleanly. Drugs were not used unless it was an antibiotic perscribed by a doctor because drugs were being abused for the wrong reasons.
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    Dollar Diplomacy

    Made to improve financial problems.
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    16th Amendment

    The government has the power to collect taxes
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    17th Amendment

    each state in the US must be composed of 2 senators voted by the people every 6 years.
  • Federal Reserve Act

    Federal Reserve Act
    Banking systems were becoming bigger though government and owning smaller ones through out smaller areas.
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    18th Amendment

    Intoxicating liquors may be transported with permission from exports.
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    19th Amendment

    Nobody shall be denied to vote because of sex.
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    Tea Pot Dome Scandal

    The US Navy found a place resembeled as a teapot and drilled for oil
  • Upton Sinclair

    He was the Californian Governor and was a novilist. He made the social security system in 1934
  • Manifest Destiny

    People began to stretch westward. The US wanted to move coast to coast. This caused disturbance in indian settlements.