Beka Brown Exploration timeline

  • Nov 7, 1346

    Black Death

    Black Death
    The black death was a huge outbreak of the bubonic plague that was carried by fleas from infected rats. The plague started in Europe and spead through the trade routes. It killed 25 million people, which is one-third of the population. It also stop exploration for a very long time.
  • Nov 7, 1406

    Ptolomey's Map was Rediscovered

    Ptolomey's Map was Rediscovered
    In the second century the geographer Ptolomey created a map, it was later rediscovered in western Europe. It became the best existing map of the world. This was the map that led Columbus to believe that Asia can be reached by sailing west from Europe.
  • Nov 7, 1418

    Navigation School Created

    Navigation School Created
    Prince Henry organized a School of Navigation, this allowed for people to become informed before they went on voages. Also a base for explorations on Cape St. Vincent was created in Portugal.
  • Nov 7, 1420

    First Caravels Built

    First Caravels Built
    A fast sailing ship called a caravel was first built. Also for the first time an Asian ship entered the Atlantic Ocean by rounding the Cape of Good Hope.
  • Nov 7, 1440

    The Invention of Movable Type

    The Invention of Movable Type
    The Guttenberg Bible was the first item of lititure to be printed on a printing press with movable type. This allowed books to be less expensive and let knowledge spread very quickly.
  • Nov 7, 1442

    First Black Slave Auction

    First Black Slave Auction
    The first auction of black slaves was the begining to a long hard road for future blacks. This took place in Portugal.
  • Nov 7, 1465

    Star Navigation Improved

    Star Navigation Improved
    Navigation using the stars is greatly improved over earlier eras. This improved the chances of not getting lost, so more was discovered.
  • Nov 7, 1492

    Columbus Discovered the West Indies

    Columbus Discovered the West Indies
    Columbus discovered the West Indies in the New World. He also learned that as the longitude changes the compass changes slightly. Also in this year the last of the Muslims were drived from Spain.
  • Nov 7, 1499

    South America is Declared a New Continent

    South America is Declared a New Continent
    Amerigo Vespucchi explored the coast of South America and decided that it was a New Continent. This was a new thought considering before this time South America was considered part of Asia.
  • Nov 7, 1513

    Pacific Ocean is Discovered

    Pacific Ocean is Discovered
    Balboa crosses the Isthmus of Pamama. When he made this journey he was amazed to discover the Pacific Ocean. Also in this year Ponce de Leon landed in Florida.
  • Nov 7, 1522

    First Trip Around the World

    First Trip Around the World
    Magellan's voage became the first voage to make it all he way around the world. This opened the oppertunity to other explorers to atempt this trip as well.
  • Nov 7, 1543

    Books Published on Human Anatomy and Astonomy

    Books Published on Human Anatomy and Astonomy
    Nicholas Copernicus published a book that stated that the earth and the other planets revolved around the sun. Andreas Vesalius published the first human anatomy book that was accurate.
  • Nov 7, 1565

    Saint Augustine Founded

    Saint Augustine Founded
    The city of Saint Augustine in Flordia was discovered and founded. The city was found by the Spanish.
  • Tobacco is Imported

    Tobacco is Imported
    The habit of smoking tobacco was imported from Virginia to England. It was first brought to England by Sir Walter Raleigh.
  • Jamestown

    Jamestown was established in Virginia bringing more people to the New World. This settlement was set up by the English.
  • Reasoning Summary

    Each of these events impacted exploration in some way. Some such as the Black Plague prohibited it,but most of them helped it. I chose the events because a lot of them allowed for exploration to be easeir,like technology improvements. Another reason these were imoprtant is because whenever someone discovers something new it enchourages others to do the same. That is why I thought the discovery and technology events were important.