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Beefalo History

  • Great buffalo slaughter kills more than 3.5 million buffalo

    By 1875 only a few buffalo remained out of the vast southern herds - estimated at 600 head
  • Charles Goodnight begins experiments with bison hybrids in Texas

    "Old Sikes" bison bull raised with domestic cows and bred them naturally when mature. Experiments indicataed best to start with bison bull and domestic female. One in four cows delivered hybrid calf. No bull calves were successfully delivered.
  • C. J. Buffalo Jones begins to capture buffalo calves

    Having been a hunter in the 1982-1874 slaughter, Jones decides to try to save the remaining buffalo by capturing calves and suckling them on domestic cows. He bred these calves to Galloway cattle to produce "cattalo".
  • Goodnight breeds 1/2 bison females to both bison and domestic bulls

    Good percentage of breedings successful with both female and male offspring. one-quarter bison bulls sterile but females fertile.
  • C. J. Buffalo Jones works with Teddy Roosevelt to establish national game preserve for bison

    Reserve meant for buffalo preservation and cattlo breeding. Joined by Edwin D. Wooley and Ernest Pratt, they formed a development company and the Grand Canyon National Game Preserve began. 87 buffalo from the orginal Jones herd were shipped to Utah but the cross-breeding was unsuccessful.
  • Canadian Agriculture experiments with Cattalo

    From 1914 to 1964 - a variety of bison percentages were produced.
  • Goodnight herd of 3/8 bison cattle reaches 40 head

    Crossing polled Angus bull with 1/2 bison cows produced what Goodnight referred to as "a fairly established race of about 40 head that have proved so far superior to any breed of cattle known."
  • Canadian research data gatahered on cattlo calves

    Lower birth weights than cattle - average daily gain highest for 50% bison - up to 84 pounds more than cattle without bison - productive life of females increased by 4 to 5 additional years.
  • Jim Burnett of Luther, Montana successfully crosses bison and domestic animals

    Animals numbered rather than named. Burnett produced bulls at 3/8, 7/16, 11/16, and 3/4 levels that were fertile.
  • Melvin Lauriton of California produced 1/2 bison, 1/2 Hereford cow named Herfalo 230

    In the 1960-1970s period she was bred to Simmental bulls to produce Simmalo 100 and 200. Lauriton is quoted as selling over $40,000 of semen from his quarter bison bulls by mid-1975.
  • D. C. "Bud" Basolo of California produces fertile beefalo

    Basolo claims to have utilized 903 bull leased from Burnett (the first documented fertile 3/4 bison bull) but later DNA testing revealed that 903 was not the sire of the Basolo offspring. 903 returned to Burnett in 9 months and produced offspring at the Burnett operation.
  • Basolo claims to have 5000 3/8 bison and 5/8 either Hereford or Charolais animals

    Time Magazine article "Have a Slice of Roast Beef". There were up to 18 foundation Basolo bulls designated with HB and a number.
  • World Beefalo Association formed

    Basolo formed as a vehicle to promote his bulls. He never produced cows and produced no new bloodlines, just introduced bulls descending from his foundation stock. Only animals produced by Basolo bulls could be registered in the association.
  • Bison Hybrid International Association formed

    This was not a beefalo association but recorded percentage bison cattle, many of higher then 3/8 bison blood. This association was formed by bison hybridizers rather than straight beefalo breeders.
  • American Beefalo Association formed

    The association formed to allow the registration of cattle from other beefalo bulls in addition to those from Basolo (Burnett's in particular).
  • Lauriton discloses "secret" of Basolo animal production in court battle with Basolo over Simmalo

    His testimony is that Burnett's bull 903 did not get enough cows bred. Another 3/4 bull (930) that Burnett had provided was too young. A bison hybrid bull purchased from a local stock yard in Oregon was the major producer. This bull is B940 but nothing more is known about the bull except Lauriton's testimony.
  • Basolo sells HB-15 bull to Canadian Breeders' Syndicate

    Reported price was $2.5 million USD
  • Clyde Stormont developed a blood test for 5 bison markers of bison heritage

    The test was used on 150 Basolo bulls and only 1 showed a marker although statistically over 99% should have shown at least one marker. Basolo countered with the marketing of Furmillion bull (HB-400) a 7/16 bison blend from Holstein cross but this percentage was not readily accepted over the 3/8 cross.
  • Basolo's Mr. Beefalo meat stores sell meat

    Demand exceeded available supply and later lawsuits claimed he sold Holstein beef and the stores were later closed.
  • International Beefalo Association formed

    Later changed name to International Beefalo Breeders Registry (IBBR)
  • Jerry Page of South Carolina purchased 3/4 bison bull Cimmaron and variety of beefalo semen from Jim Burnett

    Bigfoot and Wild Card bulls came from these breedings. Later bison market blood testing at Stormont confirmed Bigfoot's dam was an offspring of HB-125. The sire was determined to be Tony II (Jim Burnett's 031 bull)
  • Article in Mother Earth News on beefalo

    ABA offic swamped with inquiries - too much for one small breed association to handle
  • Blood test gave way to DNA testing

    During the 1980s and 90s, the first 5 marker test expanded to 7 and then 9 markers. Dr. Cecilia Penedo of Veterinary Genetics Lab (a part of the University of California at Davis) developed a 19 marker DNA test and animals that didn't hve the blood markers sometimes showed DNA markers.
  • ABA and IBF association formed

    During 1980s and 90s, these two associations began primarily due to disagreements about registration and rules.
  • Basolo has complete dispersal sale

    He gave farewell address at WBA meeting and departed from the beefalo scene.
  • American Beefalo World Registry formed

    This was the combination of 3 initial breeder groups, WBA, IBBR and ABA, including Bison Hybrid International Association that had earlier joined ABA. Over 850 members with 400 registered animals.
  • Bigfoot bull registered with ABWR, owned by Corky Deaver

    In 1985, an attempt to collect semen failed at Select Sires. Deaver collected him on his farm successfully. The bull died in
  • Beefalo meat certified by the USDA

    USDA recognized the meat as unique and it could be marketed under its own name.
  • Cemtral Washington University study on cholesterol

    Men's diets with beefalo showed lower bad cholesterol levels in these tests conducted in the early 1990s.
  • Beefalo in Brazil

    F. J. R. Junqueira's Beefalo Brazil imported 109 ABWR animals and collected semen from them in 1992. 180 calves produced that year and 300 the next.
  • Beefalo introduced in New Zealand

    A joint venture of Dick Eskelsen of New Zealand and Livestock Research and Innovation of Wyoming (Paul Butler). Klenkes and Hackers visit in 1998 and see hundreds of incredible beefalo including an immense steer kept mostly as a pet.
  • USDA nutriet guide supports beefalo

    Listed as low in calories and fat and high in protein.
  • Jim Burnett's death

    He was injured in a vehicle accident. He was in his 80s.
  • ABA and IBF merged into ABI

    Two associations merged into one leaving only ABWR separate.
  • ABI and ABWR merged into new ABA

    All beefalo association combined for the first time.