Charles darwin beagle voyag

Beagle Voyage

  • Plymouth, England

    Plymouth, England
    Charles Darwin embarks on the HMS Beagle voyage as the ship captain assistant.
  • Cape Verde Islands

    Cape Verde Islands
    Charles Darwin is exhilarated by his first observations
  • Crossing The Equator

    Crossing The Equator
    Charles Darwin and his crew crossed the equator.
  • Salvador,Brazil

    Darwin explores the Brazilian rainforests for the first time. He is mesmerized by the vivid vegetation and the variety of organisms.
  • Punta Alta, Argentina

    Punta Alta, Argentina
    Darwin is intrigued by the giant fossils he sees. He concludes what organisms in the past may have looked like.
  • Tierra del Fuego, Argentina

    Tierra del Fuego, Argentina
    Captain Robert FizRoy repatriates three native people back to their homeland, after being brought to England on a previous voyage. He also attempts to start a Christian mission, but fails.
  • Falkland Islands

    Falkland Islands
    He finds the barren, windswept Falkland, which is full of brachiopods. He finds fossils here.
  • Rio Negro, Argentina

    Rio Negro, Argentina
    Darwin explores the fertile, lowland area, Pampas, with the local people.
  • Chioloe Island, Chile

    Chioloe Island, Chile
    Darwin sees Mount Osorno erupt while on the island of Chioloe and experiences the earthquake in the woods near Valdivia.
  • Galapagos Islands

    Galapagos Islands
    Darwin finds many species of plants, birds, and tortoises unique to the islands, but they seem related to mainland species.
  • Sydney, Australia

    Sydney, Australia
    Darwin arrived in Sydney Cove. He was curious as to why there was a completely different set of mammals.
  • Cocos Islands

    Cocos Islands
    Darwin studies coral reefs growing around islands to test his theory of atoll formation.
  • Mauritius

    He observed an uncultivated plain, which was a field of black lava with coarse grass and bushes
  • Capetown, South Africa

    Capetown, South Africa
    Darwin observes many bullock wagons and the Table Mountain.
  • Bahia and Pernambuco, South America

    Bahia and Pernambuco, South America
    In the jungles, Darwin discovers many incredible creatures.
  • Falmouth, England

    Falmouth, England
    Charles Darwin reaches back home.