BC Book Timeline

  • Somorja, March 27, 1944

    Somorja, March 27, 1944
    Summary: The SS have started liquidating the Jewish ghettos. They are forced to be registered and leave all their belongings to be sent to the internment camps. Turning point: The invasion of Hungary is going to have a gigantic impact on Elli, as she is going to be forced to leave her home and all the memories behind and go to the internment camp. Her first days in the internment camp will be harsh and new to her, but she will need the faith to get through it.
  • Nagymagyar May 21 - Dunaszerdahely May 27 1944

    Nagymagyar May 21 - Dunaszerdahely May 27 1944
    Summary: After a few weeks in the ghetto, they deliver the women, children, and elderly to the Nazis, who transport them to Auschwitz. Character Development: When being transported to Auschwitz, Elli reveals her feelings towards everything going on. She talks about her hometown and all the memories she had, and she starts to tear up. Theme: She will need a will to live and faith to get through the horrible times ahead.
  • Auschwitz June 9-10 1944

    Auschwitz June 9-10 1944
    Guards select Elli and her mother for transport to Plaszow, a labor camp. The women work for hours on a hilltop in the sun, developing blisters and sores. They eat spoiled and infested food and endure harsh punishments all day. Turning point: This is when Elli realizes that her life will never be the same after this, she will be emotionally and physically scarred throughout her life. Theme: This is the time where Elli's faith and will to live are important, in spite of the harsh conditions
  • Plaszow September 13-14 1944

    Plaszow September 13-14 1944
    Elli becomes her mother's caretaker, urging her mother to continue fighting. An accident in the barracks partially paralyzes Laura, and she is sent to the infirmary. She sneaks in to see her, and is caught, and sent to death. Character Development: She really cares about her mother since she is the only family member left with her, and she risks death just to visit her. Theme: These could be her last moments of life, this will test her will and faith in the most strenuous way possible.
  • Liberation, April 1945

    Liberation, April 1945
    Summary: Allied Forces liberate and free the Jews, with Elli and her mom surviving and living their lives. Turning point: The war is over, with Elli being really grateful for her life, and is glad she never gave up. Theme: Her faith and will payed off.
  • Theme Statement

    In times of despair and slim hope, you should always keep going and not give up on whatever you want to achieve.